FormsStaffAccounting → Checklist for Verification of Electronic Payment Information Change Requests

Checklist for Verification of Electronic Payment Information Change Requests

About this Form

Form number: 280-52

Audience:  MCPS Staff, School Staff

Last revised: September 2019

INSTRUCTIONS: To be completed when a supplier is requesting a change to its Automated Clearing House (ACH) or Single-use Account (SUA) payment information (originally provided on MCPS Form 540-2, Electronic Payments Request). Check the appropriate box after completing each step and fill in all applicable information. Once complete, attach copies of appropriate documentation, sign and date the form, and submit to your supervisor for signature. Scan copies of the completed signed and dated form with all appropriate documentation and upload all documents to the location specified by your supervisor.

This form is maintained in the MCPS Office of Controller.  

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