What is the status of the study that was undertaken to review 12-month positions to determine if any could be reduced to 10-month positions? Were any positions identified for a reduction? If so, are those reductions being implemented? If not, why not?

Question#: 44


A workgroup was convened to review the 12-month positions to determine if any positions should be recommended for a change in schedule from 12-month to 10-month.  The workgroup consists of members from each of the offices and representatives from each of the unions.  The groups established a process to review the positions and make recommendations to the Association Leadership/Deputy Superintendent/Chief Operating Officer Collaboration Committee (ADC).

The group performed an initial review of 1,082 different positions (182 A&S, 79 other professional, 49 supervisor, and 772 supporting services).  This included a total of 4,433 employees (674 A&S, 361 other professional, 95 supervisor, 3,303 supporting services).  The original list was narrowed to 145 different positions that would be reviewed using established criteria (11 A&S, 68 other professional, 3 supervisor, and 63 supporting services).  These 145 positions were reviewed and a report was presented to the ADC with recommendations for changes and further study.    It was also determined that workgroups would be created to further study the positions being recommended for change.  Final recommendations of the workgroups will be submitted to ADC in early spring.