Board Discusses Improvements in Evening HS

April 13, 2005
The Board of Education met yesterday [April 12] and, among other items, discussed a report on expansion of the International Baccalaureate Program and a status report on improvements to the Evening High School program. In addition, the Board approved Evening High School fees for Fiscal Year 2006. The Board approved preliminary plans for improvements to Weller Road Elementary School and Parkland Middle School and the name for a middle school. The Board also approved the observance of National Volunteer Week, National Autism Awareness Month, and Secretaries Week. In addition, the Board discussed the new Online High School Course Bulletin and received a legislative report.

Update on International Baccalaureate Programs

The Board discussed the expanded implementation of International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs in MCPS with a Kindergarten through Grade 12 articulation. IB started at Richard Montgomery High School in 1987. Currently, there are five Diploma Programs, two authorized whole school Middle Years Programs (with two in the authorization process and another in the investigative stage), and one whole school Primary Years Program. Combined, these programs have the capacity to serve approximately 6,100 students.

Evening High School

The Board discussed a status report of the Evening High School Work Group that outlines progress to date on including Evening High School as part of the overall high school reform effort. Areas of improvement include program, staffing, technology, and facilities. Alternative times and locations will be considered to expand opportunities for high school students in need of a nontraditional approach to their education.

FY 2006 Fees for Evening High School

The Board recommended maintaining the current fee structure for Fiscal Year 2006. The fees remain considerably lower than those of surrounding counties.

Preliminary Plan—Weller Road ES Addition

The Board approved a preliminary plan for an addition to Weller Road Elementary School.

Preliminary Plan—Parkland MS Modernization

The Board approved a preliminary plan for the modernization of Parkland Middle School.

Naming of Downcounty MS #9/Wheaton Cluster MS #2

The Board approved the name of A. Mario Loiederman Middle School for Downcounty MS #9/Wheaton Cluster MS #2, following submission of a report from the School Naming Committee.


The Board approved the following administrative appointment:

Shawn E. Krasa, currently instructional resource teacher, Earle B. Wood Middle School, as coordinator, Parkland Middle School Magnet Program.

Online High School Course Bulletin

The Board discussed the new interactive Online High School Course Bulletin and the added information and support it provides to students and families.

National Volunteer Week

The Board approved the observance of National Volunteer Week from April 17–23 in recognition of the expertise and commitment of volunteers and volunteer coordinators. During the past school year, more than 38,000 volunteers gave more than 3.5 million hours of service to staff and students. The dollar value attached to those service hours exceeds $56 million.

National Autism Awareness Month

The Board recognized the observance in April of National Autism Awareness Month, expressing appreciation to all who work to teach and support individuals and families whose lives are affected by autism. The school system is currently responsible for the education of approximately 846 students with autism.

Secretaries Week

The Board recognized the competence and dedication of its staff of secretarial and clerical employees through the observance of Secretaries Week from April 24–30 and Secretaries Day on April 27.

Final Report on Legislation

The Board discussed a final report on legislation considered by the 2005 session of the Maryland General Assembly.

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