Groundbreaking Set for New Richard Montgomery HS

July 7, 2005
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Richard Montgomery High School has been set for Saturday, July 9, at 2:00 p.m. The event will take place on the school's athletic field at 250 Richard Montgomery Drive in Rockville.

Moreno Carrasco, principal of Richard Montgomery High School, and parents Liz Wheeler and Kate Savage will welcome a number of distinguished guests. Among the scheduled participants are Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools; Dr. Charles Haughey, vice president of the Montgomery County Board of Education; and Dr. Nancy Grasmick, state superintendent of schools.

Other officials on the program include Jennie Forehand, Maryland state senator; Tom Perez, president of the Montgomery County Council; John Hall, member of the Rockville City Council; Jessica Drazenovich, student government representative; and Regina Yudd Moscoso, president of the PTSA. Community members Gene Thirolf and Jerry Loux also will make remarks.

The program will feature musical entertainment by Richard Montgomery High School students and other students in the Richard Montgomery Cluster.

For more information, contact the school at 301-279-8400.

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