Board Appoints Eleven Administrators

July 29, 2005
The Board of Education met on Wednesday (July 27) and, among other items, took final action to reconstitute the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development. The Board also approved a charge to the committee. The Board appointed eleven administrators and approved revised Policy BFA, Policysetting. The Board also discussed an update on the Collaborative Action Process.

Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development

The Board took final action to reconstitute the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development. The reconstituted committee of 15 members will be appointed by the Board in open session. The committee will consist of eight members at large--one of whom shall be a high school student from Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), and seven representatives of organizations, including an MCPS high school student representing the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils, a representative of Citizens for Responsible Curriculum, and a representative of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays. All members must be bona fide residents of Montgomery County.

Charge to the Citizens Advisory Committee

The Board approved a charge to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Family Life and Human Development, setting forth the task, the manner for accomplishing the task, and a schedule of reporting to the Board and the superintendent.

Final Action on Policy BFA, Policysetting

The Board took final action to approve revised Policy BFA, Policysetting, designed to establish a clear definition of policy and provide a consistent process for development and implementation of Board policies.


The Board approved the following administrative appointments:

Carol Goddard, currently assistant principal, Walter Johnson High School, as principal, Gaithersburg Middle School

Jane Lai Mah Woodburn, currently director of school performance, Office of School Performance, as director, Department of Recruitment and Staffing, Office of Human Resources

Elizabeth R. Brown, currently acting director, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, as director, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs

Roger L. Ball, currently consultant, Waldorf, MD, as director, Division of Procurement, Department of Materials Management

Bruce Crispell, currently senior planner/demographer, Department of Planning and Capital Programming, as director, Division of Long-range Planning, Department of Facilities Management

Laurence W. Hansch, currently principal, Briggs Chaney Middle School, as director, Division of Consortia Choice and Application Program Services, Department of Enriched and Innovative Programs

Leslie H. Dublinske, currently instructional specialist, Division of School-Based Special Education Services, as Special Education Supervisor, Division of School-Based Special Education Services

Cheryl A. Robinson, currently regional special education specialist, Prince George's County Public Schools, as special education supervisor, Division of School-Based Special Education Services

Judith I. Klimpl, currently assistant principal, Herbert Hoover Middle School, as supervisor, Foreign Languages Program, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Sandra B. Navidi, currently resource teacher, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, and Information Technologies, Gaithersburg High School, as curriculum coordinator, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, and Information Technologies, Division of Career and Technology Education

Barbara R. Pearlman, currently tobacco use prevention specialist/health education specialist, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs, as coordinator, Health Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs

Collaborative Action Process

The Board discussed an update on the Collaborative Action Process (CAP), designed to assist schools in supporting the educational success of students who are experiencing academic difficulties. CAP uses a problem-solving framework that links the use of periodic assessments with intervention strategies, reassessment, and follow-up interventions.

Board of Education: Mrs. Patricia B. O'Neill, president. Dr. Charles Haughey, vice president. Members: Mr. Steve Abrams, Ms. Sharon Cox, Ms. Valerie Ervin, Ms. Nancy Navarro, Mr. Gabe Romero, and Mr. Sebastian Johnson, student member. Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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