Of the elementary schools that lack a full-time guidance counselor, how many are focus schools and what would it cost to restore a full-time guidance counselor at every elementary school?

Question#: 6



In FY 2012, MCPS was required to make budget reductions totaling $125 million, including reductions in staff development teacher and counselor positions.  School principals were given the option to choose how reductions would be made among their guidance counselor, staff development teacher, media specialist, and reading specialist positions.

The Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2014 Operating Budget includes 13 schools who selected a .5 or 1.0 guidance counselor position reduction.  Other schools chose to reduce staff development teacher, media specialist, or reading specialist positions. 

Of the 13 schools that currently lack a full-time guidance counselor position, one is a focus school.  Twelve of the 13 schools reduced their guidance counselor positions from a 1.0 to .5 FTE, while the remaining school had a reduction of a 1.0 to .8 FTE.  To restore the 6.2 guidance counselor positions, the costs will be $405,780, including employee benefits.