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Fiscal Year 2014 → Question 1
The Office of Special Education and Student Services has analyzed data regarding the capacity and monthly enrollment in the Bridge Program. Students who access middle school Bridge Program are those that received a variety of special education services at the elementary level. Middle school students who receive Bridge services traditionally articulate to high school Bridge services, resulting in a more predictable enrollment projection than at the middle school level.
The development of the FY 2014 special education budget included a review of trend data for the past five years. These data indicate that the Bridge Program continues to experience growth. However, within the past two years, the enrollment patterns have stabilized. To ensure the quality of services for this population, MCPS has maintained the teacher station staffing model of four teachers at the middle school level and seven teachers at the high school level. Maintaining the teacher station model allows for a potential increase in student enrollment without the need to request additional staffing to provide these highly specialized services. The analysis revealed the following factors that resulted in decision to project a decrease in enrollment for FY 2014.