Respond to the Magruder Cluster testimony that noted that Shady Grove Middle Schools’ copier is malfunctioning regularly and that a new one is needed.

Question#: 10


The copier issues noted in the Magruder Cluster testimony were resolved prior to the budget testimony.  In fact, the same day the issue was brought to the attention of the community superintendent, a technician was sent to the school to assess the equipment. The timespan between the community superintendent receiving the email about the issue and the resolution was less than three days.    The original copier was fixed on the day the email was received by the community superintendent.  In addition, during this time the school placed a request for a second copier machine. The new copier was ordered and will be delivered to the school on or about March 15, 2013.  

The current MCPS copier cost structure is one that requires that schools pay for onsite copying (per copy costs and leases), while central copying for schools is funded centrally.  Therefore, when schools acquire additional copy machines, they must assume the additional expense associated with the cost of copying.