TABLE 2, Budget Revenue by Source anticipates a reduction of revenue for Outdoor Education. Please explain. Is that driven only by the reduced enrollment or will there be a reduction in the program? Similarly, there is an anticipated increase in student activity fees revenue. Is that driven solely by enrollment or is there a planned increase in the fee?

Question#: 13



Estimated revenue for Outdoor Education for FY 2014 as shown on Table 2, Budgeted Revenue by Source, is based on trends. The Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2014 Operating Budget does not include any changes in the program.  Estimated revenue for Outdoor Education for FY 2014 is $525,000.  This amount is lower than the amount budgeted for FY 2013 by $49,560.  The decision to lower the amount from FY 2013 is based on the fact that actual revenue received from FY 2010 to FY 2012 increased by approximately ten percent.  This percentage was applied to the actual FY 2012 amount to arrive at the estimated amount for FY 2014.

The Superintendent’s Recommended FY 2014 Operating Budget does not include an increase in the student activity fee and the estimated revenue for FY 2014 is based on trends.  Estimated revenue from student activity fees for FY 2014 is $725,000, an increase of $35,000 over the amount budgeted for FY 2013.  From FY 2010 to FY 2012, student activity fee revenue increased by 1.9 percent.  This percentage was applied to the actual FY 2012 amount to arrive at the estimated amount for FY 2014.