Chapter 1-23 indicates under “Realignment”—a reduction of 2.2 vocational support teacher positions and 2.6 career preparation teacher positions. Please describe in more detail the anticipated impact of these reductions. Specifically, are these school-based positions and what populations do they serve? (also listed at 1-25)

Question#: 15

BUDGET PAGE REFERENCE: Chapter 1-23 indicates under “Realignment”—a reduction of 2.2 vocational support teacher positions a


The staffing guidelines that are based on number of students participating in the programs are used to allocate the vocational support teacher and career preparation teacher positions.  Based on these guidelines, the positions identified for realignment in FY 2014 are reserve positions in FY 2013 and are used to maintain class sizes in other classes.  The realignment will not have an impact on the program or class sizes.