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Fiscal Year 2014 → Question 1
BUDGET PAGE REFERENCE: 1-3 through 1 - 26
The FY 2014 operating budget includes $7,697,774 to fund stipends for coaches and sponsors of extracurricular activities. There is $574,042 budgeted for elementary schools, $1,306,948 budgeted for middle schools, and $5,816,784 budgeted for high schools. Attached is a list of Class I and Class III activities.
For middle and high schools, funding is provided for Class I extracurricular activities where hours are allocated to each school to pay for coaches and sponsors for clubs or activities, and Class III activities. For Class I, each school determines which additional clubs and activities it wants to host depending on the interests of the student body at that school.
Central funds also are allocated to purchase required equipment and uniforms for athletic teams. In addition, a small amount is allocated to each school to support yearbook and newspaper activities. All other funds needed for programs are raised through school fund-raising efforts. Teams or clubs that wish to compete in events and activities or to travel to competitions and conferences must raise money or pay for it themselves. This includes chess clubs, math clubs, marching bands, dance troupes, choirs, and social studies clubs.