On page 1-6, please explain the reduction of the 43 lunch hour aide positions and the increase of $1,172,662 in lunch hour part-time salaries. Will there be any impact on the services provided as a result of this change?

Question#: 31



The FY 2014 budget includes a technical realignment that eliminates 43.0 lunch hour aide positions and moves the related salary amount of $1,172,662 to fund salaries for part-time lunch hour aides.  Full-time equivalent positions are created for lunch hour aides who work 20 hours or more each week as a lunch hour aide for the entire amount of time, or as a lunch hour aide with another assignment such as a paraeducator.  Employees that work less than 20 hours per week are paid temporary part-time salaries.  The change aligns the budget to how funds are being used and there is no impact on services provided to students.