Respond to the testimony of Tom Hearn that states that MCPS is the only Maryland school system not using the concussion form recommended by the Maryland State Department of Education.

Question#: 54


The concussion form developed by MCPS preceded the form recommended by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).  The two forms are extremely similar, and both are derived from the same sources: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Federation of High Schools (NFHS)).  Though fundamentally similar, the MCPS form is more streamlined and includes procedures and protocol specific to MCPS.

MSDE has reconvened a comprehensive workgroup that has very recently generated a report to the Maryland State Board of Education on adjustments to current MSDE head injury forms, guidelines, and procedures.  The report has not been distributed to school systems yet.  The report includes adjustments to the current form that MSDE recommends.  MCPS will adjust its form according to the findings and recommendations of the MSDE workgroup