On page 55 of the FY 2014 Program Budget, HS+ has a request of $1,289,000. Have we, or do we plan to evaluate this program?

Question#: 65

BUDGET PAGE REFERENCE: FY 2014 Program Budget, page 55


The Office of Shared Accountability (OSA) is beginning a study of the High School Plus (HS+) program implemented in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). HS+ is one of the programs offered by MCPS to provide additional ways of earning high school credits for students who have failed required courses related to the High School Assessments (HSA), failed courses required for graduation, and/or failed the HSA but may have passed the corresponding courses. The overall goals for the HS+ program relate to helping students meet requirements for graduation, including passing required courses. This study will examine: a) the nature and extent of benefits to high school students served by the extended-day component of the HS+ program, and b) the program’s effectiveness in meeting its goals.

The study will use a multi-method design to conduct both summative and formative evaluations. The formative component is designed to collect data on HS+ implementation and to encourage reflection by the various program stakeholders. The overall goal of the summative or outcome evaluation is to examine the extent to which the HS+ program has been successful in meeting its goals. The study will analyze student outcome data, as well as data collected from interviews and surveys with principals, teachers and students.

The study is to be concluded in late spring.