What does “AD” as noted on page 35 of the budget book mean?

Question#: 40


Based on the current MCPS teacher and other professional salary schedule, positions are designated for filling at either the “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D” level and annual salaries are reflected on the salary schedule for these four levels.  An “A” position requires a bachelor’s degree.  A “B” position requires a master’s degree or equivalent.  A “C” position quires a master’s degree or equivalent with 30+ credit hours.  A “D” position requires a master’s degree or equivalent with 60+ credit hours.  When a position is designated as “AD”, it can be filled at the A, B, C, or D level.  A “BD” position may be filled with by someone with a “B” (master’s degree or equivalent) through “D” (master’s degree or equivalent with 60+ credit hours).