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1. Provides leadership for the implementation and monitoring of the Board of Education Policy IEB: Middle School Education and the MCPS strategic plan at middle school. Assesses progress toward full implementation of the middle school policy. 2. Leads the implementation and monitoring of the Middle School Reform Initiative extended learning opportunities programs, instructional program reviews, curriculum updates and other supports to schools.3. Provides support and direction to principals for the successful implementation of all instructional programs.4. Develops instructional practices that address a wide range of academic abilities and address the physical, social, and emotional differences among students in order to foster intellectual growth.5. Meets regularly with middle school principals, and instructional leadership to facilitate discussion of issues and model use of innovative and effective problem solving and decision making, school improvement planning, data analysis, and structures and processes to observe and monitor a rigorous instructional program.6. Conducts long-term planning with principals to assist with the implementation of the middle school policy and other MCPS policies. Assesses needs for new or special programs.7. Develops inventive and creative approaches to staff training to assure positive impact on student achievement.8. Collaborates with Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Office of the Chief Technology Officer to ensure development and implementation of curriculum that integrates technology and that addresses the unique needs of the adolescent learner.9. Communicates with parent and community organizations and agencies to ensure ongoing two-way communication. Serves as a liaison between central office and schools, MCPS and MSDE, and between schools.10. Assists in the selection of leadership staff in middle schools.11. Prepares written reports and correspondence and presentations for the BOE, community, and schools regarding implementation of the program at middle schools.12. Performs related work as required.
This description may be changed at any time.