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1. Designs and develops, with the collaboration of student service leadership, the office of special education and student services, and other school system leadership, a systemic pupil personnel services program that includes vision, philosophy, goals and objectives, duties and responsibilities, and performance measures. Consistent with this, plans and implements monthly professional development activities for pupil personnel workers (PPWs).2.Observes and evaluates PPWs.3.Develops training materials and resources to enhance the functioning of pupil personnel services program.4.In collaboration with the Office of Human Resources (OHR)Actively recruits and participates in the hiring of PPWs5.Develops, approves, and monitors the assignments and schedules for PPWs.6.Co-chairs the Pupil Personnel Services Collaboration Committee.7.Develops, collects, and analyzes data that reflects the implementation and application of programs and services. Maintains records and develops reports as needed to appraise MSDE, members of the Board of Education, MCPS staff, and the community of pupil personnel program services, data, and outcomes. 8.Collects, monitors, and analyzes data that contribute to increasing the academic achievement of all students, particularly African American and Hispanic students.9.Works closely and collaboratively with the Director of Student Services, the Associate Superintendent for Special Education and Student Services and with community superintendents to optimize the well being of students and reduce incidents of truancy and dropout.10.Collaborates with other MCPS offices to support the effective and consistent implementation of Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS), Educational Management Team (EMT), Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and Individualized Education Program (IEP) processes and procedures.11.Organizes, manages, and supervises the work of the Interagency Truancy Review Board (TRB). Collects and analyzes TRB referral and outcome data in order to continually improve the process and recommended interventions for reducing truancy.12.Develops training materials and resources related to implementation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Serves as a resource to staff, parents, and the community for Section 504, including the completion of administrative reviews and assistance with requests for mediation related to Section 504.13.Works cooperatively with principals, the Department of Student Services, and central office departments to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of student services and to support school management plans and school performance outcomes.14.Plans and coordinates the pupil personnel services program with other MCPS offices, departments, and units.15.Reviews and updates local student services policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures as needed.16.Works with principals and other school personnel to promote the goals and outcomes of the pupil personnel services program.17.Plans for and allocates, in collaboration with student services leadership, resources needed to implement the pupil personnel services program.18.Represents the Department of Student Services and the Office of Special Education and Student Services on committees and task forces.19.Supports school, parent, and community efforts to prevent violence in schools and communities through consultation, mediation, and collaboration with other county agencies.20.Collaborates with county agencies (e.g., health and human services, department of social services, and juvenile services) to support student, staff, and parent needs. Makes outreach efforts to enhance communication between the school system, schools and communities..(What other units?)21.Performs related duties and other tasks as assigned.
This description may be changed at any time.