] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Director, Division of Sustainability and Compliance

OFFICIAL TITLE: Director I CODE: 0330 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Director, Division of Sustainability and Compliance GRADE: P MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the Director of Facilities Management, the Director of the Division of Sustainability is responsible for leading, executing, promoting, enhancing and embedding the sustainability of Montgomery County Public Schools¿ (MCPS) physical plants in the culture of the school system and within the Department of Facilities Management. Develop, implement, and manage sustainability initiatives and goals. Develop strategies to address environmental concerns and programs including energy use, resource conservation, recycling, pollution reduction, indoor air quality, and waste elimination. Create annual and extended performance measures, strategic plans, and budgets. Manage all aspects of facility management sustainability, including but not limited to: recruitment, initial and on-going staff orientation and training, supervision of daily management activities; defining, analyzing, and reporting division metrics. Physical Demands: None. Special Requirements: Ability to respond to emergency situations at any time and to work unusual hours or overtime as required.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of national and regional sustainability programs. Ability to establish communication channels for productive collaboration internally and externally. An understanding of USGBC LEED, or equivalent, requirements and procedures. Ability to drive environmental sustainability programs throughout the school system. Thorough knowledge of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) policies, regulations, and practices. Excellent technical, oral/written communications, organizational, and human relations skills. Considerable knowledge in budget development analysis and techniques for managing resources. Ability to communicate effectively to other directors, principals, community members, students, and appropriate MCPS staff.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in engineering, environmental science, or related field. Master¿s preferred. Five or more years experience and/or training in fields of facility management sustainability and/or areas of climate adaptation, energy efficiency, and sustainable development. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Project planning and management experience. Extensive experience in data analysis, budget development and analysis, management of financial resources, and effective interaction with school system administrators, school board members, and the public.Certificate License:None.


Example Duties:(The duties listed are typical examples of the work performed by this job classification. This is not an exhaustive statement of duties, responsibilities, or requirements and does not limit the assignment of additional related duties for the position. Not all duties assigned are included, nor are all duties listed performed in every office or every day.)1. Direct and oversee the day-to-day operations of the division. 2. Research environmental sustainability issues, concerns, or stakeholder interests.3. Research and develop proposals for sustainability-related projects, considering factors such as cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, and integration with other initiatives. 4. Supervise and evaluate the performance of assigned personnel.5. Develop and manage annual budgets and performance measures.6. Develop methodologies to assess the viability or success of sustainability initiatives by monitoring and evaluating effectiveness of sustainability programs.7. Establish and maintain sustainability program documents, schedules and priorities 8. Communicate with other administrators, personnel, and external organizations to coordinate activities and programs.9. Develop and maintain sustainability marketing and outreach for projects or events. 10. Develop and implement tools and technologies to improve division wide performance.11. Regularly review sustainability program objectives, progress, or statutes to ensure compliance with policies, standards, regulations, or laws.12. Prepare reports, draft responses to requests and inquiries.13. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing.14. Understands and applies the six leadership standards that have been established for the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP/MCBOA) Professional Growth System (PGS).15. Ability to champion the (SEIU) Supporting Services Professional Growth System to ensure opportunities are provided for workforce excellence, professional development of employees, and high levels of performance through continuous improvement.16. Perform other related duties as assigned

This description may be changed at any time.