] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Director, Division of Capital Planning

OFFICIAL TITLE: Director I CODE: 0330 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Director, Division of Capital Planning GRADE: P MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the Department of Facilities Management, provides leadership, direction, and oversight for the division in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the organizational mission and functions of the school systems planning activities to inform and prepare decision makers and the community of changes in capital programming, student enrollment, and instructional programs through development of high quality data analysis, planning strategies, and long-range facility plans. Activities overseen by the director include the preparation, completion, and implementation of the local annual capital budget, associated six-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP), and the state CIP, including associated state-funded programs; development of enrollment projections and demographic analyses of the student population; development of facility and capital budget recommendations to be incorporated in the (CIP) and Educational Facilities Master Plan; coordination with the MCPS Division of Construction in the preparation of school educational specifications and facility planning studies for capital projects; collaboration with county planning agencies on the growth policy, master plans and new housing development; designation of future school sites in land use plans; facilitation of community involvement processes focused on accommodating student enrollment increases and program initiatives, including school boundary studies, choice assignment plans and roundtable discussion groups; provision of accurate school assignment information online and in maps; and, maintenance and upgrades of the division planning database and geographic information system (GIS). Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Ability to attend evening meetings and work overtime, as needed.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough background and technical expertise in educational facility planning and capital programming. Knowledge of techniques for projecting student enrollment and conducting demographic analyses. Knowledge of land use planning activities and how new housing impacts student enrollment. Ability, and temperament to create an inclusive climate that effectively engages the community in planning activities. Ability to work effectively with elected officials, county agency staff, and community members. Strong skills in oral and written communication, with ability to make complex, and sometimes contentious, planning matters understandable. Ability to present information in a calm and rationale manner, frequently in the context of highly politicized debate.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters degree from an accredited college or university with a specialization in planning, public administration, or facility management. Five years or more experience conducting educational facility planning and capital programming processes; translating educational program requirements, and demographic trends, to facility needs, and conducting public involvement processes in a collaborative manner. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:None


Example Duties:Note: (Incumbents may perform any combination of the essential functions shown below. This position description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all duties, knowledge, or ability associated with this classification, but is intended to accurately reflect the core job elements.)Manages a team of employees, supervising their daily work, evaluating their performances, monitoring performance measurements, and providing leadership, direction, and oversight for the division in order to effectively and efficiently carry out the organizational mission and functions of the school systems planning activities.Develops the capital budget, six-year CIP, and the state CIP.Oversees school enrollment forecasting, conducted in close coordination with principals, program staff, and budget staff.Develops educational facility plans that address program needs and enrollment trends.Develops the CIP and Educational Facilities Master Plan documents for publication.Facilitates the CIP review process with the superintendent of schools and executive staff in preparation of facility recommendations for the Board of Education.Presents demographic trend information to the superintendent of schools, executive staff, Board of Education, and other elected officials and county agencies staff.Represents the superintendent in communicating capital planning priorities to school system individuals, community groups, other government entities, and the press through formal presentations, informal discussions, and in written forms.Facilitates community involvement processes for facility planning, school boundary changes, consortia choice assignment planning, and roundtable discussion groups on special topics.Collaborates with county planners in development of master plans, advising them of enrollment trends, the impact of plan scenarios on school enrollments, and ensures that future school sites are provided when justified.Collaborates with county planners in the development of county Subdivision Staging Policy and the school test that coordinates preliminary plan approvals with facility adequacy. Tracks county residential subdivision activity and housing construction schedules for incorporation in enrollment forecasts, facility plans, and school boundary studies.Oversees, and ensures the accuracy, of school boundaries, and the dissemination of boundary information in map form, online through a web based application, and by a dedicated phone-in service.Participates in school system strategic planning and Balridge continuous improvement activities. Serve on a variety of planning and project teams.Serves on a variety of planning and project teams.Understands and applies the six leadership standards that have been established for the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP/MCBOA) Professional Growth System (PGS).Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.