] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Coordinator, Physical Education

OFFICIAL TITLE: Coordinator CODE: 0435 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Coordinator, Physical Education GRADE: N MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the director of the Division of Arts, Health, and Physical Education, plans, develops, monitors, evaluates, and assists schools with implementing the Pre-K-12 physical education program; conducts program needs assessments, and participates in curriculum planning, design, and evaluation; develops in-service training activities for elementary physical education teachers and secondary physical education resource teachers and department chairs; evaluates and selects instructional materials and equipment; assists in the preparation of the physical education bid list; prepares specifications and reviews plans for new construction and renovation projects; prepares specifications for and evaluates elementary school playground equipment; interviews applicants for physical education teaching positions and assists with teacher assignments and schedules; coordinates countywide physical education, intramural, and other special programs; assists with preparation of annual operating and capital budgets and manages program accounts; and serves as the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) liaison for and interprets the MCPS physical education program to the Board of Education, staff, parents, students, and the community. Physical Demands: Some lifting required; transport supplies, materials, and equipment to meetings and schools. Special Requirements: Ability to work overtime, including nights and weekends, as required by program activities.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of the MCPS physical education Program of Studies, NASPE Physical Education Standards, working knowledge of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Physical Education Outcomes and applicable federal guidelines (504/I.D.E.A.); thorough knowledge of comprehensive physical education programs and related educational principles, practices, and procedures; familiar with teacher evaluation system; ability to organize and lead curriculum development with an emphasis on developing alternatives to traditional curriculum and assessment strategies; ability to assess program needs and implement change; implement instructional uses of computers/technologies with school-based staff; excellent oral and written communications and human relations skills; ability to work effectively with principals and teachers to assist with countywide program implementation; effectively manage a wide range of problem-solving and conflict resolution situations; possess skills in organizing and conducting small and large group meetings; excellent organizational skills; ability to learn and successfully implement budget preparation and accounting procedures; must have a balanced background in physical education.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Master^s degree from an accredited college or university with major emphasis in physical education; course work in curriculum, supervision, administration, and mainstreaming special needs students; doctorate degree preferred; outstanding physical education teaching experience with emphasis on sports skills, fitness, and interdisciplinary instruction; minimum of five years public school physical education teaching experience (Grades Pre-K-12 experience preferred); supervisory/administrative experience in physical education desirable.Certificate License:Meets Maryland certification requirements for principal, supervisor, and physical education Grades Pre-K-12; Valid driver^s license.


Example Duties:Work cooperatively with a variety of MCPS offices, departments, divisions, and units to successfully implement priorities of the Board of Education and the superintendent of schools, with emphasis on the MCPS physical education program.Coordinate, manage, direct, and assist with implementing the MCPS Grades Pre-K-12 physical education instructional program, including the intramural program, and other countywide special programs.Serve as liaison for MCPS physical education program, locally, statewide, and nationally, and interpret that program through written and oral presentations to the Board of Education, County Council, business, professional, and civic organizations, parents, students, and the media.Ensure local school compliance with federal, state, and local regulations regarding implementation of physical education instructional programs for students with special needs.Work with staff at all levels to develop, revise, and improve the physical education curriculum and provide leadership to ensure that teachers have access to and are using the most up-to-date research, trends, and technologies that will upgrade instructional techniques/strategies, and assessments (This includes the evaluation and selection of both print and non-print instructional materials, supplies, and equipment).Conduct structured school visits for program evaluation and conduct teacher observations.Work extensively with the MCPS Office of Human Resources and principals interviewing physical education teacher applicants, making recommendations for staffing assignments, and reviewing schedules.Work with staff in the MCPS Office of School Performance, the Diversity and Training Unit, and local school principals on teacher assignments to address issues of scheduling, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and instruction.Assist in the planning for new construction and modernization/renovation of physical education facilities and playgrounds.Prepare and review bid specifications for physical education and athletic supplies, materials, and equipment, and playground equipment.Work with staff from the MCPS Department of School Facilities and Division of Maintenance to maintain and improve indoor and outdoor physical education and athletic facilities.Work with local school staff and PTA^s on issues regarding elementary playground equipment.Coordinate special programs such as the Annual Police Patrol Picnic, intramurals, and the Middle School Basketball Shootout and Track Challenge.Perform other duties as assigned.

This description may be changed at any time.