] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Principal, Blair G. Ewing Center

OFFICIAL TITLE: Principal, Alternative Schl CODE: 0529 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Principal, Blair G. Ewing Center GRADE: Q MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction is responsible for administering and supervising a high quality alternative educational program for middle and high school students who have not been successful in comprehensive school settings. Provides instructional leadership to staff including: curriculum planning, review and implementation; and professional development. Responsible for day-to-day building administration and the safety and welfare of students, staff and activities at all alternative learning centers. Provides academic, behavioral support and educational leadership for the students and staff members consistent with the educational goals of the district. Provides leadership, monitoring, and analysis of the implementation of student discipline policies and participates in suspensions, request for expulsion hearings, and crisis management. Functions of positions in the classification vary and include establishing a climate conducive to learning, defining roles, planning and coordinating programs, effecting change, and decision-making. Builds synergistic partnerships among principals, parents, businesses, and other community stakeholders in the educational process. Manages a team of assistant principals who supervise numerous employees each of the alternative learning centers. Responsible for the overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of alternative programs. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; rewarding and disciplining employees and students; addressing complaints and resolving problems. Responsibilities also include implementation of new and innovative programs including: the structuring and facilitation of the Alternative I PLC which will include a thorough examination of the Alternative I work in high schools, facilitating a partnership with Edison High School fostering a collaborative relationship between programs, the design of a CREA-like program for Alternative II students who are older and may lack the essential credits to graduate; the management and stewardship of grants aimed at promoting social-emotional and academic success for Alternative II students; and a root cause analysis of the connection to student disconnection and the transition to high school. While the principal is responsible for the total school program, many of the duties listed below may be delegated to assistants for implementation. Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Work beyond a 40-hour week and attendance at evening and weekend meetings, as required. Ability to respond to school requirements at any time.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of state and federal public school laws and the policies and regulations of the Montgomery County Board of Education, and the MCPS Program of Studies. Ability to acquire the necessary knowledge around alternative programs 2 within a short timeframe. Ability to effectively implement the regulation IOI-RA Placement Procedures for Alternative Programs. Thorough knowledge of curriculum, instruction, organizational patterns, program operations, and pupil services. Working knowledge of school- based, level one programs. Demonstrated competence in staff selection, training, supervision and evaluation. Demonstrated problem-solving skills and ability to act effectively under stress. Demonstrated ability to motivate, support, coach, supervise, and collaborate with staff to develop and deliver programming that improves academic performance for all student populations and foster a culture of engagement with staff, parents, and community. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Excellent interpersonal skills Thorough knowledge and experience in the implementation of the three MCPS Professional Growth Systems (PGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters degree from an accredited college or university with an emphasis in supervision, educational administration and secondary or elementary school curriculum. Doctorate desirable. Five or more years of relevant experience as a teacher, administrator, or supervisor of which at least three must have been as an elementary or secondary teacher and include supervisory experience. Expertise in implementation of programming and developing the conditions to meet the diverse needs of students (e.g. academic, behavioral, social, and emotional) that have not experienced success in traditional school settings. Successful experience as an assistant principal required. Previous experience as a principal or completion of an administrative internship program desirable. Successful completion of Observation and Analysis of Teaching I. Successful completion of Observation and Analysis of Teaching II either prior to or during the first year of assignment. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:Meets Maryland certification requirements for Administrator II or elementary, secondary, or special education principal/supervisor.


Example Duties:Provides positive and effective educational supports and services that address the academic, behavioral, social, emotional and physical health of adolescents.Facilitates monthly Professional Learning Communities for all secondary Alternative 1 teachers (all 40 middle schools and 25 comprehensive high schools).Consults with principals regarding student performance in the Alternative Level 1 program.Coaches and observes Alternative 1 programs new hires.Identifies needs for curriculum, development, and instructional program improvement; designs, and conducts evaluations of new and existing instructional programs, and interprets the program to the professional staff, Board of Education, and the community.Frequently observes, coaches, and supports staff in developing and delivering a school culture focused on improved academic performance, behavioral and attendance patterns, and social-emotional learning for all students; including articulating a vision for effective instruction, leading others in data analysis that informs instructional practices, and developing a culturally competent learning environment committed to improving experiences and outcomes for all students that promote successful transition to traditional school settings.Manages the entrance and exit process and coordinates disciplinary hearings and program reviews to provide academic structure and setting and a school climate and culture that encourages re-engagement of students, build; student confidence and academic identity, and improves student behaviors for successful transition beyond the alternative program setting. Establishes collaborative relationships with other offices and agencies in MCPS and Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) that support the mission of the department.Participates actively in the APAC process.Collects, analyzes, and utilizes student achievement data to inform programming decisions and monitors plans for academic, behavioral, social, and emotional interventions.Works with community and school groups to build their knowledge of non-traditional education.Actively pursues opportunities for life-long learning and professional growth.Uses creative and critical thinking in curriculum work, staff management, and problem-solving; developing master schedules; engaging staff in the referral, exit, and transition to traditional school setting processes.Selects, supervises and evaluates staff in accordance with the criteria established in the MCPS Professional Growth Systems ensure that MCPS policies and procedures, as well as state and federal laws are followed.Provides leadership in determining whether or not the student could benefit from a Alternative Level 2 Program.Represents alternative program staff and students on MCPS leadership committees.Provides leadership in dealing promptly and positively with behavioral problems.Encourage sinteragency involvement with alternative program students and their parents and support staff in developing plans for and encourages parental involvement.Monitors alternative program referral and exit procedures, with participation as needed.Works with teachers, parents, the Educational Management Team and the School Admission, Reviews and Dismissal Team to ensure appropriate programming for all students.Provides leadership to alternative program transition teacher staff in assisting home schools with returning students monitoring participation in the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) meeting with the student, family, and home school staff providing follow-up services.Plans for and manage allocation of resources in the operation budget.Supervises the use and maintenance of the building and grounds.Prepare sa variety of written reports and correspondence.Provides leadership in supporting teachers, parents and the Educational Management Team, and the school Individualized Education Program TeamExample Duties2: to ensure appropriate programming for all students.Establishes and maintains relationships with other community organizations to ensure ongoing, two-way communication and to initiate sactivities that foster productive parent and community involvement.Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.