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Continues to create, oversee and lead ongoing professional development opportunities that the ETC team needs. Including bi-weekly scheduled meetings, clinical consultations, community partnership connections, monitoring of school supports, inclusiveness of district wide initiatives and team building opportunities. Manages department activities in the absence of the director. Supervises and oversees the daily work of the EML counselors. Represents the division at various departmental, cross functional meetings as required. Resolves conflicts arising with the teams, decision making, etc. Coordinates and facilitates quarterly data report reviews related to ongoing counseling services to understand any trends and to identify and address any additional training needs or gaps in new processes. Provides updates to MCPS leadership, steering committees, and stakeholders. 1. Oversees the quality of individual and group counseling and guidance lessons in a multicultural and multilingual, antiracist, trauma-informed and culturally sensitive manner to English Learners (ELs), Emergent Multilingual Learns (EMLs) and Students with Limited/Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) (formerly METS) students. 2. Coordinates the cultural, social and emotional adjustments of EL/EML students in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).3. Leads and participates in crisis response intervention and follow-up for EL/EML students/families, and other MCPS students experiencing a crisis as needed, throughout the district.4. Leads and builds the capacity of ETCs.5. Coaches ETCs on conducting risk assessments, consultation practices and sensitive parent conference techniques used in supporting families in crisis. 6. Ensures that ETCs are knowledgeable of state laws and reporting procedures for child abuse and neglect.7. Serves as an advocate to address team concerns as it relates to accessibility of resources for families served.8. Advocates for EL/EML/SLIFE students and any support needed for social emotional wellbeing.9. Coordinates the collaboration and assignments of ETCs in collaboration with school staff and administration to ensure counseling supports and needs of the student population being served.10. Analyze data that emphasizes the importance of achieving academic success to EML/EL/SLIFE students as well as their parents in order to improve graduation rates and decrease the opportunity gap.11. Facilitates the understanding of cultural issues that may impact on the relationship between EML/EL students and school staff.12. Supports ETCs with informing EML/EL students, as well as their families, regarding mental health issues. Refers to appropriate community agencies as needed.13. Guides ETCs to support students and families in developing awareness of academic, social, and career choices within MCPS and community.14. Collaborates with MCPS leaders to ensure collaboration with school-based counselors and administrators to meet the needs of ELD/EML/ SLIFE students, disseminate information and act as liaison between appropriate central offices and the schools on counseling issues.15. Supports ETCs with assisting EL/EML students, EL/EML families and MCPS staff in becoming aware of cultural issues which affect the student directly or indirectly.16. Monitors case records and referrals on EL/EML/METS students, data regarding work with students/families onto ESSIS database.17. Leads ETCs in engaging EL/SLIFE /EML families in school meetings, events and collaborating with Parent Community Coordinators to help EL/SLIFE families' access resources and better understand the U.S. educational system.18. Coordinates and oversees presentations to students, parents, school staff, and community members on topics of multicultural, multilingual, antiracist and trauma-informed school counseling issues. 19. Monitors ETC home visits.20. Leads as a district expert to ETCs, teachers, administrators, and other school staff on issues pertinent to ELD/EML /SLIFE students (i.e., acculturation, second language learning, behavioral topics, and mental health issues). 21. Creates, conducts and overseas training on trauma-informed and responsive practices, neuroscience-informed (Neurosequential Model in Education (NME)) SEL, newcomer children, family reunification and different cultures.22. Initiates and leads EL/SLIFE/EML students and MCPS staff in becoming aware of cultural, linguistic, developmental and trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) issues in the EML/EL population.23. Actively participates in workgroups, including those that are centrally based or county-wide, including Children Fleeing Violence, unaccompanied minors, social-emotional learning (SEL), trauma-informed, Student Well-Being Team, Graduation Validation, Reimagining METS, Newcomer Task Force etc.24. Presents information regarding diversity, culture, language, mental health issues and other relevant issues at Board of Education meetings, events, MCPS media, and community functions such as Town Hall and Parent Academy, etc. 25. Supports the creation of equitable SEL lessons in multiple languages throughout MCPS.26. Participates in interviewing, selecting and evaluating staff.27. Supervises ETCs and facilitates professional growth and development activities.28. Performs related work as required.
This description may be changed at any time.