] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Senior Specialist, Technology and Reporting, Employee and Retiree Service Center

OFFICIAL TITLE: Sr Spec Tech & Reporting CODE: 0701 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Senior Specialist, Technology and Reporting, Employee and Retiree Service Center GRADE: K MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the Director of Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC), supervises the technology and reporting activities of the unit. Ensures broad access to accurate and timely information using a fully integrated suite of business applications including but not limited to Human Resources Information System (HRIS), and the Lifeworks Retirement System, Employee Self-Service (ESS), Document Imaging and other systems used by the unit. Leads technical innovation projects utilizing standard project management techniques such as identification of requirements, planning, management, process improvement, administration, and staffing. Leads the system administration and technical support of daily operations of ERSC in the areas including but not limited to compensation, payroll, benefits, retirement and absence management. Develops and delivers unified training of department users. Oversees, develops, and documents system specifications and related process improvements. Oversees software enhancement planning and implementation and/or full scale upgrade of existing systems develops and develops test scripts to simulate live operations. Position is the system administrator (Lawson benefits module and Life Works) and the lead technical operation support for the benefits and retirement systems including vendor communications, system set-up, carrier/system interfaces, and resolution of issues. Physical Demands: None. Special Requirements: Evening or weekend work will be required to meet deadlines.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of Lawson (V10 or higher) in Human Resource, Payroll, Absence Management and benefits. Knowledge of retirement management systems. Considerable knowledge of the organization, functions and operations of Montgomery County Public Schools, or a similarly complex organization. Thorough understanding of employee benefit, retirement, human resources, and payroll policies and functions. Knowledge of technical applications and solutions that will assist the ERSC in daily operations. Demonstrated ability to train, coach, supervise and lead other team members. Can effectively plan and set priorities. Ability to manage several complex projects simultaneously while working under pressure to meet deadlines. Energetic and self-motivated work in quick paced environment. Ability to learn new software and processes as they become available. Ability to plan and manage multiple tasks in a timely manner. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS) to supervise the team. Knowledge and application of the six leadership standards that have been established for the Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals (MCAAP/MCBOA) Professional Growth System (PGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Bachelor^s degree from an accredited college or university in computer science, technology, information management systems, or related field is required. Five or more years experience working in the Lawson environment using Crystal Reports, Kronos, MS Access or any other reporting software required. Experience using programming languages, tools, and database management software including Microsoft Office (MS Access, MS Excel, and PowerPoint), HTML, SQL, Visio. Project and team management/leadership skills and experience preferred. Other applicable training and experience, which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position, will be considered. Extensive experience in human resources, benefits, retirement, or payroll highly desirable.Certificate License:None.


Example Duties:Supervises the daily operations of the ERSC technology team. Prioritizes the operational requests for data and services from within and outside the unit.Observes and evaluates daily operations to identify and address training and process improvement opportunities. Responsible for meeting facilitation, documentation, development of feasible solutions, and problem resolution related to process improvement and data integrity following effective meeting guidelines.Works with MCPS public information office in fulfilling the data requests from the external organizationsLeads the technical administration and operations of the payroll, benefits and retirement systems including daily monitoring, trouble shooting, ad-ho report creation, new implementations, and upgrades including directing the work of members of the technical team.Collaborates with the Senior Specialist, Benefits, maintains and updates the annual setups and rates needed for annual benefits open enrollment.Leads the annual 1095-c reporting process.Collaborates with the Senior Specialist, Retirement, in developing and entering pension rates into the HRIS after reading and interpreting the Aon Annual Review and Actuarial Valuation of the Employee Retirement and Pension Systems to accurately document the rate tables.Collaborates with the Senior Specialist, Payroll, in testing, enhancing and troubleshooting the payroll, absence management and time reporting systems.Collaborates with the Senior Specialist, Salary and Position Administration, in the set-up, testing of the compensation tables and compensation administration provisions of the contract.Responsible for the implementation and on-going operations of document imaging (Docuware) within ERSC.Serves as a project manager, responsible for the planning, execution, and implementation of new application segments/components. Ensures project schedules are developed, timelines are met, and implementation is completed in a manner that supports project goals and objectives.Compiles data from PC databases to create reports, graphs, and charts related to Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Office of Legislative Oversight, Audit requests, AON census requests, or other benefit/retirement related functions. Provides programming and software support to ERSC staff.Works closely with staff from the Office of the Chief Technology Officer in the development and maintenance of system enhancements and represents functional users in clear definition of problems, requirements, and needs.Supervises the execution of the monthly interface files necessary to maintain benefit and retirement data with benefit vendors, agencies, and internal MCPS systems.Designs, develops, and modifies, various ERSC databases and data files including directing the work of other members of the technical team, as requested.Develops appropriate test scripts to simulate a live environment and maintains a catalog of all developed test scripts. Develops and delivers technical training programs of various formats for ERSC staff and departmental users including preparation of training materials. Provides direction to the Data Integration Specialist I related to benefits/retirement and work force reporting in support of budget process, labor contract negotiations, mandated requirements and other information requests.Prepares workforce information reports using Oracle Discoverer, Excel, Access, and other appropriate software packages during high peak workforce reporting requests.Maintains expert knowledge in Microsoft Office, SQL, Oracle Discoverer, the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Lifeworks (LW), and Docuware as well as future technical installations.Maintains system tables and other system set up requirements including but not limited to the annual upgrade of benefit and pension rates, active and retiree benefit plan enhancements/modifications, etcExample Duties2:. to ensure deadlines are met.Assists in the administrative support to Call Center staff, Transaction and Functional Specialists.Assists the functional specialists, in the development and periodic reviews of process and procedure manuals for various functional units in ERSC and provides updates where appropriate. Participates in meetings to plan, test, and implement changes to the Lawson HRIS system as-needed.Serves as a member of the ERSC Web and the HRIS functional ownership teams.Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.