] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Transportation Supervisor II, Fleet Maintenance

OFFICIAL TITLE: Auto Repair Supervisor II CODE: 0754 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Transportation Supervisor II, Fleet Maintenance GRADE: H MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the fleet maintenance manager, supervises a central vehicle maintenance facility engaged in major overhauls, body repairs and tire service for the school system. The work of the class involves supervision of the work of a garage where engine and transmission overhauls are performed, body repairs made and other central fleet maintenance services provided. The worker inspects and coordinates work of the shop, implements maintenance programs, and keeps shop records. Physical Demands: Sufficient physical strength and stamina to assist in lifting heavy objects and to stand for moderate periods of time. Special Requirements: Ability to work overtime as required. May be required to attend training courses/programs in order to learn new automotive equipment and repair procedures, update skills, etc.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of the standard practices, tools, and equipment of the automotive trade particular as applied to engine and transmission overhauls and body repairs; considerable knowledge of the operating principles and mechanics of internal combustion engines; considerable knowledge of the practices and procedures of operating a servicing and repair garage. Demonstrated ability to effectively plan, assign, supervise, and inspect the work of automotive mechanics and service workers; ability to make estimates of time and materials needed for automotive repair work; ability to supervise and maintain the keeping of records for repairs, time, and parts used for the maintenance of automotive equipment and for fuel usage; ability to maintain and keep records of employees^ accumulated leave. High degree of skill in diagnosing all types of defects in automotive equipment and in making detailed inspections of completed work. Good oral and written communications and human relations skills. Demonstrated ability to supervise and evaluate staff and implement the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS). Knowledge and application of the MCPS Professional Growth Systems (PGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:High school diploma or GED required. Bachelors degree preferred. College-level coursework in transportation, management, or other related field preferred. Completion of a comprehensive training program in the trade and coursework/training in supervision, management and other areas related to effective operation of a modern automotive maintenance and repair facility desirable. Extensive experience in all aspects of the field of skilled automotive repair including body repair, estimates of repair work, and diagnostic equipment; and considerable experience in a responsible supervisory position of an automotive repair shop of several personnel. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:Possession of or ability to obtain a valid Maryland Class B Commercial driver^s license (air brake, passenger and school bus endorsements), or equivalent.


Example Duties:Supervises work of central shop performing overhauls, body repairs, and providing tire service to the fleet: assigns, orally or through job tickets, repair and maintenance jobs to automotive mechanics and service workers; inspects work in progress to see that repairs and replacements are properly made and that units are satisfactorily assembled; prepares preventive maintenance schedule; instructs and assists shop personnel in the performance of their duties; plans and coordinates the work of the evening and/or night shift(s) for maximum effectiveness.Consults with drivers of school buses, maintenance vehicles, and road tests vehicles to diagnose problems and ascertains that proper repairs have been made; certifies to Motor Vehicle Administration that proper preventive maintenance was performed on school buses; inspects garage equipment and requests any necessary repair and/or replacement; and supervises the state required tri-annual inspection of school buses.Conducts various tests of equipment and parts to improve the economy and safety of operations; assigns labor time to repair tickets upon completion of work; supervises the maintenance of cost records, parts inventory, and gas usage records; and prepares all related reports.Ensures that spare school buses are ready for use; supervises early starting of school buses in inclement weather; provides technical advice and direction to employees regarding necessary repair and/or replacement; prepares for and conducts state inspection of all school buses and assures completion of proper certificates of repair, and coordinates preventive maintenance programs. When vehicle becomes disabled with children on board, must take quick and decisive action as to determine whether vehicle is safe to drive or whether the children should be transferred to another vehicle.Unlocks lot and building(s) at start of assigned shift, and observes for signs of theft, vandalism, unauthorized entry, or other security violation; reports any such findings to fleet maintenance manager.On direction from fleet maintenance manager, calls employees, when necessary, to report to work earlier than the normal starting time.Evaluates employees^ work performance, approves use of and keeps records of employees^ leave time, and performs other related supervisory functions.Performs related work as required.

This description may be changed at any time.