] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Instructional Specialist, Restorative Justice

OFFICIAL TITLE: Instructional Spec CODE: 0833 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Instructional Specialist, Restorative Justice GRADE: BD MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under the direction of the director of Student Engagement, Behavioral Health and Academics, the instructional specialist facilitates, supports, and monitors the implementation of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) restorative justice program to identify, and develop restorative justice frameworks, comprehensive restorative practice protocols, and resources at the local school and community levels. Facilitates the development of a comprehensive school plan that supports social, emotional, and mental health services to students. Coordinates and provides training for school and central services staff, students, parents and community representatives as they relate to these MCPS programs and promotes the MCPS strategic plan. Serves as a liaison to community organizations and other MCPS offices, departments and units to ensure students, families, and school communities receive the necessary resources and support to ensure student academic success and social-emotional wellness. Physical Demands: As required by the duties and responsibilities of the job. Special Requirements: Some evening and weekend meetings and events.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of MCPS policies and regulations and strategic priorities. Knowledge of restorative justice and positive behavioral intervention strategies, and mindfulness practices with special attention to de-escalation strategies, re-entry into learning environments, student engagement, and behavior management protocols. Outstanding facilitation, organizational technological and management skills required. Ability to exercise independent initiative to complete assignments. Excellent oral and written communication skills; positive human relations skills; strong problem-solving skills. Ability to articulate the office and department goals and objectives of restorative justice, positive behavioral interventions and supports, and mindfulness practices; ensuring that they align with the MCPS strategic priorities. Thorough knowledge of Montgomery county agencies and community organizations. Ability to plan, lead and support training activities. Ability to plan and implement workshops, adult learning and professional development opportunities for small and large groups. Demonstrated skill as an effective mentor to administrators, teachers, and student leaders.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters degree from an accredited college or university with emphasis in professional development support and assistance, human growth and development, or educational program and policy development. Three years or more experience as a school administrator or teacher required. Demonstrated leadership experience developing, implementing and evaluating restorative justice and mindfulness programs, and planning and conducting training and/or professional development. Demonstrated experience leading, mentoring, coaching and nurturing administrators, teachers, and student leaders. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:Holds a current Maryland state standard and advanced professional certificate in a teaching area or Administrator I.


Example Duties:Models effective leadership practices, including articulating a vision for effective instruction, utilizing time management strategies, prioritizing work, attending to one¿s own professional growth through reflection and critical analysis of practice.Facilitates, coaches and monitors a nexus between implementing restorative justice practices and change in school culture, the ability to reengage students, and increased student performance. Monitors school performance and analyzes student performance; works with cross-functional teams to assure effective and efficient implementation of the continuum of restorative practices including mindfulness and addresses specific student and school needs. Coordinates, facilitates and supports school personnel in data collection, assessment, and analysis of formal and informal data points for use in targeting and monitoring the effectiveness of restorative justice and mindfulness intervention programs. Promotes restorative justice and restorative practice opportunities for a diverse student populations to include but not limited to students of various cultural backgrounds, students experiencing poverty, students who identify as LGBTQIA+, and students who have experienced trauma to ensure social-emotional well-being and academic success. Serves as lead support for a group of schools in their implementation process for a restorative justice framework. Conducts planning events with administrators and teachers to assist them in establishing and meeting local and district strategic priorities through meetings and providing information, feedback and support. Helps to design and lead professional learning opportunities for principals and school leadership teams to foster change in adult practice and accelerate student learning and performance as an outcome of restorative justice and mindfulness practice implementation. Collaborates with community-based organizations, agencies of county government and other partners in implementation of the continuum of restorative practices. Reviews the restorative justice program regularly, and plans for and carries out improvements. Conducts school site visits, and shares information with administrators, and other school-based staff as appropriate. Disseminates information and provides training for students, parents, and others related to restorative justice and mindfulness practices. Develops reports and other communications to provide information, data, and data analysis related to both the effectiveness of the restorative justice program, and its impact on student outcomes. Assists and supports the continued implementation of partnerships to promote student voice, restorative justice and mindfulness practices for all student with a focus on students disproportionately affected by disciplinary consequences. Assists with increasing the efficacy and fidelity of restorative justice and mindfulness interventions in schools where there is evidence of disproportionality in suspensions with a particular focus on disproportionality of students with disabilities.Serves on MCPS, county, and state committees and workgroups, as assigned. Coordinates conferences, meetings and other professional development opportunities for administrators, teachers, students, parents and other audiences. Serves as an informational liaison relative to schools and the community on the implementation of restorative practices. Assists in updating and reviewing the MCPS Restorative Justice program website and social media presence.Understands and applies the six performance standards established for the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Teacher Professional Growth System (TPGS). Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.