] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Instructional Specialist, Child Find

OFFICIAL TITLE: Instructional Spec CODE: 0833 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Instructional Specialist, Child Find GRADE: BD MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction of the supervisor of the Child Find/Early Childhood Disabilities Unit, supports implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding evaluation and Child Find duties. Major program responsibilities include coordinating Child Find clinics; chairing Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meetings; assisting IEP teams in developing diagnostic questions, consulting with parents and community members about special education processes, child development, and developmental delays; preparing referral reports for children in need of further assessment, and preparing reports related to Child Find activities. Outreach to the community and providing public information are also important parts of this position. Physical Demands: As required by the duties and responsibilities of the job. Special Requirements: Ability to work evenings as needed.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of educational programming, federal/state legislation, and due process procedures related to the provision of services to preschoolers with developmental delays, ages three through five years old; typical and atypical child development; current research and trends in instructional practices related to early childhood special education, including services for bilingual preschool children; knowledge of prekindergarten special education service provision in MCPS; ability to collaborate and communicate effectively with parents and staff; ability to serve as chairperson for screening IEP team meetings; knowledge of OASIS/Special Services (O/SS); knowledge of community resources; demonstrated leadership ability; demonstrated ability to prepare written documents; ability to use word processing and database software; excellent human relations, organization, and interpersonal skills; demonstrated oral and written communications skills. This position requires the knowledge and application of the six performance standards that have been established for the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Teacher Professional Growth System (TPGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Master^s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited college or university. Master^s degree (or equivalent) from an accredited college or university. Certification in early childhood special education from an accredited college or university; additional certification in early childhood general education preferred. Demonstrated successful experience in preparing IEP team documents and chairing IEP team meetings. Other combinations of applicable education and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to perform effectively.Certificate License:Maryland APC for special education teacher or licensure in related field such as speech-language pathology required. For special education teachers, additional Maryland APC for early childhood general education preferred


Example Duties:Receives Child Find calls and referrals; provides professional information about MCPS policies, services, and appropriate referrals based on thorough knowledge of educational services for prekindergarten children with disabilities.Facilitates process for families of prekindergarten students with IEPs moving to Montgomery County.Prepares IEP team documents using O/SS.Coordinates and participates in Child Find clinics; develops detailed reports and prepares referrals for children requiring further assessment; serves as chairperson at screening IEP team meetings, provides follow-up for parents and children when needed.Consults with parents about a variety of topics related to typical and atypical child development, and the provision of services in MCPS for students with developmental delays.Collaborates with staff members in the Child Find/Early Childhood Disabilities Unit and other MCPS offices.Works with program secretary to insure completion of the tasks associated with the day-to-day operation of the Child Find office.Maintains a database and prepares reports related to the functions of the office. Collaborates with staff members at schools and MCPS offices regarding provision of special education services.Conducts outreach to community agencies serving children ages 3 through 5, including childcare centers and preschools on topics including the Montgomery County Infants and Toddlers Program (MCITP), providing appropriate evaluation, and community resources.Serves as a member of initial IEP team eligibility and development meetings for children transitioning from MCITP.Performs related work and other duties as required.

This description may be changed at any time.