] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Pre-K-12 Content Specialist

OFFICIAL TITLE: Pre K-12 Content Specialist CODE: 0836 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Pre-K-12 Content Specialist GRADE: BD MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction, collaborates with team members, school staff, and stakeholders to develop online curriculum and professional development resources in a specified content area. Supports school-based staff and facilitates the collaborative interaction of staff, parents, and students to promote effective instructional practices and student achievement of rigorous curriculum in a specified content area. Provides direct support to schools on a regular basis. Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Occasional evening and weekend work required to meet deadlines and collect user feedback
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Combination of expertise in curriculum and instruction. Thorough knowledge of MCPS Pre-K¿12 curriculum in a specified content for all types of learners. Knowledge of MCPS Strategic Plan goals, and state and national standards. Knowledge of Universal Design for Learning, effective differentiation, equitable practices, and culturally relevant curriculum. Ability to use web and video technology to present information and encourage collaboration and effective instruction. Ability to successfully collaborate with staff, parents, and students to reach instructional goals. Ability to analyze formal and informal assessment data to determine instructional needs in a specified content. Excellent organizational, oral and written communication, and human relations skills.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters degree or equivalency with courses in curriculum development, specified content area specialization, assessment/evaluation, administration and supervision, professional development, or accelerated and enriched instruction. Five years or more successful experience as a classroom teacher in the specified content. School-based instructional leadership desirable. Successful experience developing and supporting curriculum implementation and developing, coordinating, and conducting online professional development and parent outreach activities.Certificate License:Meets Maryland State certification requirements in the specified content area.


Example Duties:Supports school leaders and staff in the implementation of curriculum and assessment of student learning, including providing professional development as needed and real time feedback on instructional practices. Supports teacher leaders with strategies/professional learning to develop organizational processes and practices within departments/teams to enhance communication, coordination, and collaboration. Supports teacher leaders and school teams to develop positive social emotional learning environments that increase teacher wellness and promote relational trust to advance quality of collaboration.Supports teacher leaders with advancing their ability to plan, lead, and facilitate meetings.Supports teacher leaders with assessing professional learning needs, developing a professional learning sequence in alignment with school improvement plans, and creating differentiated learning opportunities for staff as needed.Provides input into the development of district programs and professional learning to support student well-being and academic achievement.Utilizes student-learning data, evaluating data from the students in the Five Focus Groups aligned to the Equity Achievement Framework (EAF), to inform district programming, professional development, and support to local school improvement plans. Supports schools in using Evidence of Learning data to inform local decision making on first instruction, student well-being, academic interventions, and parent engagement.Consults and supports school teams on appropriate behavioral management and academic supports and interventions for struggling learners. Uses knowledge of Universal Design for Learning, effective differentiation, and equitable practices to support schools.Demonstrates ability to collect and analyze data, work with Access and Excel databases, use standardized audit tools, and analyze data reports.Demonstrates knowledge/ability to analyze scheduling at all three levels to determine opportunities for increased inclusion and advancement of access for all students to rigorous coursework. Provides teacher leaders with coaching strategies to support individual teachers who are struggling with the delivery of content and instruction, quality of classroom environment and management, and delivery and analysis of student assessment data.Works closely with teacher leaders and school staff to support implementation of high leverage instructional practices.Collaborate within the Office of Teaching and Learning and across central office to support system priorities.Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs, Specialized Roles and Responsibilities:Serves as a content expert on a content team developing and supporting effective use of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.Leads professional learning for resource teachers and teacher leaders in specific content areas.Provides job-embedded coaching to school-based instructional leaders and professional learning communities in implementation of content curriculum.Develops curriculum and instructional materials aligned to state standards in specific subject areas.Supports and models effective development, evaluation, and ratings of instructional and professional development resources in specified subject areas.Collaborates with external vendors in creating and implementing professional development in specific content areas.In alignment with MCPS^ core values, effectively supports work around equitable, culturally responsive instruction with the goal of ensuring academic success is not predictable by race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, language proficiency, or disability.Implements research-based practices that support the mitigation of learning disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.