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NOTE: (The duties listed are typical examples of the work performed by this job classification. This is not an exhaustive statement of duties, responsibilities or requirements and does not limit the assignment of additional related duties for the position. Not all duties assigned are included, nor are all duties listed performed in every office or every day.)Supports staff members to analyze WIDA and other student performance data to differentiate classroom instruction, materials, and resources based on the English language proficiency levels of students. Facilitates the use of information and resources provided through systemwide ELD training to customize and deliver professional development to school staff members. Works with general education teachers to model lessons, observe, coach, and provide feedback to teachers and support and provide resources to help grade-level or course team planning by peer coaching. Designs and delivers professional learning to general education staff aligned to the following critical topics: Analyzing school level AMAO I, II, and III data and state mandated English language proficiency assessment for Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for EML (ACCESS for EMLs) data; Providing effective instruction that meets the language and content needs of ELLs; Collaborating, coplanning, and coteaching; Using WIDA English language development resources; Integrating Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol to support the language and content needs of EML. Attends and participates in all professional development experiences provided by the Department of English Learners and Multilingual Educationto ensure alignment of professional learning in schools with priorities from the Department of English Learners and Multilingual Education. Collaborates with the staff development teachers and team leaders to provide job-embedded professional development opportunities to improve general educator understanding of meeting the academic language needs of EML students, students whose parents have refused ELD services, and reclassified ELL. Joins forces with the administration to make quality instruction for ELL a top priority and support the culture of collaboration and inquiry. Models the implementation of equitable practices. Performs related duties as required.
This description may be changed at any time.