] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Speech Pathologist

OFFICIAL TITLE: Speech Pathologist CODE: 1035 SQ/OQ: Not Applicable
WORKING TITLE: Speech Pathologist GRADE: BD MONTHS: 10
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: The primary responsibilities include screening, evaluating and providing appropriate services to students with communication disorders (articulation, voice, language, fluency) that affect educational performance. Also included in the responsibilities is consultation with teachers and parents and participation in Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meetings. Physical Demands: As required by the duties and responsibilities of the job. Special Requirements: Required to attend school meetings, programs and activities outside the instructional day as mandated by the MCEA agreement.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Ability to screen, evaluate, diagnose, and remediate communication disorders of students, birth to twenty-one years of age; ability to develop and implement appropriate goals and objectives for each individual student and to select and utilize therapeutic materials effectively with individuals and small groups of students. Good communication and human relations skills needed in order to implement consultative programs through classroom teachers and parents and to work effectively and cooperatively as a member of the local school or site-based team. Good writing and organizational skills needed to formulate concise clinical reports, develop IEPs and Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs), and to maintain complete longitudinal records for each student.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters or equivalency in speech-language pathology; course work and demonstrated knowledge and expertise in working with communication disorders, including significant expertise in evaluation and therapeutic techniques; experience working cooperatively with professionals in related disciplines; demonstrated skill in working with parents (i.e., parent counseling, parent training, etc.); excellent oral and written communication skills, and human relations skills. Or other combination of applicable education, training, and experience which provides the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position.Certificate License:Speech pathologists hired after October 1, 2007, are required to hold the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) license or be eligible for a provisional license. Speech pathologists hired prior to October 1, 2007 may hold Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) certification in speech-language pathology OR the Maryland State DHMH License. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) desirable or CFY (Clinical Fellowship Year) eligible.


Example Duties:The speech-language pathologist is responsible for the following:I. Diagnostic: Administering speech and language screening procedures; evaluating the speech-language skills of students with suspected communication disorders; utilizing a variety of measures, both formal and informal, that are appropriate for evaluating the various communication disorders; utilizing normative data and analyzing test findings in the interpretation of diagnostic data; correctly implementing eligibility criteria in determining caseload selection; writing assessment reports which are clear and objective.II. Intervention: Developing IEPs and IFSPs that contain measurable goals and objectives based on the assessment information; implementing the IEP or IFSP for each student served and periodically evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy plan; consulting with teachers, parents, and other team members regarding management of each student¿s communication disorder; collaborating with teachers to integrate speech and language goals and academic goals for each student¿s program; developing and maintaining effective relationships with students; participating in team meetings; complying with MCPS policies and procedures and with guidelines established by Speech and Language Services; maintaining accurate, current, longitudinal records on each student served; implementing reasonable, appropriate time allocations for observation, testing and paper work associated with providing adequate services to students.III. Professional: Attending professional meetings scheduled for speech-language pathologists; participating in and conducting in-service/professional growth activities; attending staff meetings and PTA meetings when appropriate in compliance with the negotiated agreement; attending state and national professional meetings, and/or other professional growth activities when appropriate; establishing good working relationships with teachers, speech-language pathologists, other staff, and parents; reflecting on own practices, seeking feedback from others, and appropriately modifying clinical practices. IV. Performs related duties as assigned.

This description may be changed at any time.