] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Office Assistant IV

OFFICIAL TITLE: Office Assistant IV CODE: 4050 SQ/OQ: Senior Qualified
WORKING TITLE: Office Assistant IV GRADE: 11 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under general supervision, performs varied and responsible office and clerical work involving functional responsibility for an important office operation. Workers are responsible for ensuring that an assigned office or unit process, which requires good understanding of office and unit programs, is performed according to requirements. Assigned processes are complex in that they contain several variables, which must be checked and verified, updated, or corrected, or searched and obtained from other sources, and which require extensive follow through to ensure accurate, timely and complete results. Workers perform all tasks necessary to complete the process, independently checking, verifying, scheduling, coordinating and arranging for information, communication, and other actions as necessary. They interact throughout the organization to ensure that information is properly understood and acted upon. Designated portions are required to perform word processing, using the full range of word processing capabilities, including production of charts, graphs and tables, and equivalent use of computer terminals. Designated positions may provide work leadership to other employees by virtue of their experience and skills, or may lead a small work group performing clerical work of a limited nature. Physical Demands: Designated positions may require the sustained operation of keyboard devices. Special Requirements: Attainment of a required score on the MCPS Typing Test may be required of designated positions.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: MCPS typing test required with the minimum required score achieved.Working knowledge of business English and spelling, modern office practices and procedures, and office equipment including computer terminals, printers, scanners and similar devices. Working knowledge of MCPS organization and internal office procedures. Ability to perform a wide range of standard office clerical tasks quickly and efficiently. Ability to maintain complex record systems and compile data from such records. Ability to make decisions based upon experience, good judgment, and established departmental policies, procedures, and regulations. Ability to detect and correct problems or errors in the work, and to explain work requirements to others. Ability to operate word processing equipment with proficiency and good skill in the efficient operation of a typewriter may be required for some positions. Good oral and written communication and human relations skills and must demonstrate the ability to handle questions, give directions and otherwise assist large groups of people. Knowledge of and the ability to meet the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:High School or GED diploma required. One year experience in progressively responsible office, general clerical, or typing work. Other combinations of education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:None


Example Duties:(The duties listed are typical examples of the work performed by this job classification. This is not an exhaustive statement of duties, responsibilities or requirements and does not limit the assignment of additional related duties for the position. Not all duties assigned are included, nor are all duties listed performed in every office or every day.)Interacts throughout the organization to ensure that information is properly understood and acted upon.Uses technology and MS Suite of Office products to charts, graphs and tables. Leads a small work group performing specific project work as needed. Processes an ongoing office operation of the unit, performs all tasks required to obtain information, sets up files, verifies and checks data, completes forms, records changes and prepares summary reports. Processes orders from cafeterias for warehouse shipments. (DFNS) Monitors timeliness and accuracy of orders and shipments. (DFNS) Prepares purchase orders and processes vendors^ invoices for payment of food commodities. DFNS. Receives and processes communications regarding student or teacher placement and follows through with schools, universities, area offices and others to complete placement process. Maintains resource room and program dependent supplies. Maintains records on special education students placed in MCPS and non-MCPS programs and private/religious student services. Records evaluation and assessment results by entering data, checking for accuracy and producing reports, i.e. birth certificates, medical records. Processes the ordering and distribution of specialized textbooks and supplies. Responds and resolves inquiries regarding programs and services, explaining requirements and assisting callers in completing forms or other actions. Performs related work as required.

This description may be changed at any time.