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(The job duties listed are typical examples of the work performed by this job classification. Not all duties assigned are included, nor are all duties listed performed in every office.)Performs all registration and transfer of student records. Maintains student records and transcripts in a senior high school, including distributing HSA and testing results to the board. Verify Enrollment, (Montgomery county residency, immunizations, birth certificate, grade level, FARMS, custody, previous school records, administer/score placement tests, COSA (Change of School Assignment). Release authorized confidential information, and retains information in the student official record. Evaluates, investigates, interpret course information to be entered into the student record. Directs and coordinates registration activities. Uses various software programs and web based programs to create and maintain student databases. Advices teaching staff regarding grading procedures. Directs preparation of student transcripts prepares commencement list. Issues official transcripts to outside agencies under inflexible deadlines. Tracks incoming/outgoing student financial obligations and follows through to conclusions. Monitors duties of secretarial assistants/temps assigned to registrar. Enroll new students including International Students who have been in the US within 2 years. Withdraws students and forwards records to other schools on request. Gives information to parents relating to academic programs in the school. Arranges for and participants in best interest conference as it relates to homelessness. Verifies legal documentation when presented the time of enrollment of instate supervised care and kinship care. Receive, audit, sort, file Middle School student records in school file room. Sends designated school year records; confidential, graduate, withdrawal, and health, to central record for storage in June of each year. Bundles student records and sends to central records annually. Responds to court order subpoena for student records. Verifies graduation requirements for MCPS student placed in a non-MCPS school, to ensure they meet MCPS graduation requirements. Performs related work as required
This description may be changed at any time.