] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Grants Specialist

OFFICIAL TITLE: Grants Specialist CODE: 5250 SQ/OQ: Optimal Qualified
WORKING TITLE: Grants Specialist GRADE: 27 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction, is responsible for all functions and activities associated with obtaining, processing, and tracking all federal, state, foundation and private enterprise grants in MCPS. Follows grant application process to completion and seeks feedback from grantors on deficiencies of unsuccessful MCPS applications. Seeks expansion of grant awards through direct personal contact with potential grant sources and reviews of grant literature and publications. Analyzes grant opportunities for appropriateness and relevance to MCPS goals and programs. Maintains liaison with grantor officials as well as with county officials who may provide relevant information and focal points for coordination. Proactively promotes awareness of grant benefits and resources throughout MCPS. Supervises the grants assistant, assists unit managers and budget specialists on grant issues, and provides training as needed. Physical Demands: None. Special Requirements: Occasional night and weekend work.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of federal, state, municipal, and private sources of grant resources. Knowledge of the range and scope of activities, interests, and potential within MCPS and the ability to match with grantor needs. Knowledge of and ability to analyze grantor procedures, guidelines, preferences, and requirements and assure that MCPS applications are consistent with these. Thorough understanding of standard grant procedures. Good user knowledge of computerized information systems. Proven ability to write successful grant applications. Ability to work independently and, when necessary and appropriate, act as negotiator with grantors. Excellent oral and written communication and human relations skills. Knowledge of and the ability to meet the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Masters degree required. College course work in business, public, or educational administration. Experience in developing and managing a government or business operation, addressing government, business and professional organizations, and supervising and coordinating staff. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:None.


Example Duties:Seeks new grant opportunities with federal, state, local, and private granting agencies. Interprets federal and state guidelines for grants and provides information to appropriate MCPS staff. Oversees grant processing for all MCPS departments. Reviews and analyzes all grant applications for compliance with grantor preferences, requirements, and future commitments. Coordinates MCPS internal review process and analysis of consistency with MCPS programs. Reviews and analyzes proposed federal and state legislation as it relates to policy affecting revenue sources available to MCPS^s and evaluates MCPS^s status in relation to distribution of revenue among other jurisdictions. Develops and maintains liaison with potential and current grantors. Serves as coordinator with other county agencies. Develops strategies to gain more equitable and favorable distribution of resources to MCPS.9. Advises MCPS management of funding issues involving federal, state, and local sources. Provides and coordinates training for MCPS program managers on grant application procedures and grantor requirements. Provides overall coordination and fiscal monitoring for grants and other selected revenue sources. Completes assigned tasks in the preparation and administration of the MCPS^s operating budget. Performs related work as required.

This description may be changed at any time.