] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Investigations Specialist

OFFICIAL TITLE: Investigation Specialist CODE: 5980 SQ/OQ: Optimal Qualified
WORKING TITLE: Investigations Specialist GRADE: 25 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Conducts investigations involving supporting services employees, temporary employees, substitutes and others; serves as liaison with police officers, attorneys and others involved in the investigation process. Prepares investigations reports and other written materials needed for grievance hearings and appeals, and represents the Department of Human Resources (HR) at these events. Prepares correspondence to communicate disciplinary actions taken for the superintendent, deputy superintendents the HR director, Oversees the MCPS drug testing program maintaining a list of approved testing facilities and interacting with the medical review officer to assure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Oversees the HR fingerprinting operation and works with state and local agencies on fingerprinting issues. Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Ability to travel from site to site to conduct investigations. Availability to occasionally work weekends and evenings to conduct investigations, make presentations and attend meetings.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of investigations procedures, and Board of Education, state and federal laws, rules, policies and procedures concerning the rights of employees including, but not limited to employment, performance evaluation and due process. Knowledge of drug testing laws, procedures and programs. Knowledge of school operations. Exceptional investigative, organizational, and management skills. Excellent oral and written communication and interpersonal skills.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Bachelors degree required. College major in law, criminal justice, or a related field. Experience conducting investigations, handling employee disciplinary and performance issues, and for implementing systems that track and evaluate disciplinary actions. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience, which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position, may be considered.Certificate License:None


Example Duties:1. Conducts investigations of the performance/behavior of school system employees. 2. Works with principals, supervisors, and law enforcement agencies. 3. Prepares correspondence on adverse action regarding employee performance. 4. Represents school system administrators during discipline and grievance hearings. 5. Responsible for preparing and presenting hearing evidence to the superintendent or his designee. 6. Represents the Human Resources director at hearings and meetings, and on committees and work groups. 7. Meets with community and employee groups to explain investigations and drug testing procedures. 8. Attends conferences and training events to maintain currency on matters related to drug testing and employee investigations. 9. Oversees a program of random drug and alcohol testing for drivers of commercial vehicles in accordance with federal and state laws, and MPCS policies and procedures. 10. Conducts new supervisor training on drug testing and investigations procedures. 11. Assists in investigations of the performance/behavior of teachers when requested to do so. 12. Performs other duties as assigned.

This description may be changed at any time.