] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Planner II, Facilities Analyst

OFFICIAL TITLE: Planner II CODE: 6050 SQ/OQ: Optimal Qualified
WORKING TITLE: Planner II, Facilities Analyst GRADE: 24 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction, conducts a variety of analysis needed to ensure adequate space is available for educational programs and associated administrative functions. Prepares space summaries for educational specifications for school construction projects. Ensures adherence to these specifications through involvement in the development of schematic and preliminary plans. Participates in school boundary processes, roundtable discussions, program location studies, and educational specification meetings to identify and resolve facility planning issues. Attends facility advisory committee meetings for feasibility studies and schematic design reviews. Evaluates requests for facility modifications needed to meet educational program requirements. Works with GIS Coordinator to develop school boundary maps for inclusion in the six-year Capital Improvements Program and Educational Facilities Master Plan, as well as for various facility planning processes. Provides back-up support for interactive website, the school assignment locator and facility database. Work involves coordination with school system administration at all levels, including principals, department and office directors, and other MCPS units, as well as parents and other stakeholder groups. Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Frequent evening meetings are required, as well as occasional overtime to meet deadlines.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Knowledge of planning principles and methods as applied in the setting of a public school system or local government. Knowledge and skill in the use of computer software programs to access and analyze data. Knowledge of the Montgomery County Public School system desirable. Ability to work independently and collaboratively. Ability to present information orally, graphically, and in writing in a clear and succinct manner. Ability to work with citizens in small and large groups as well as by phone and in writing. Excellent human relations skills.
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Bachelors degree required. College coursework in planning, geography, research methods, and data analysis. Three or more years experience creating reports graphically and presenting orally and in writing is required. Two or more years experience with educational facility planning, and GIS computer applications highly desirable. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:None


Example Duties:Develops expertise in program space needs and space conditions at schools. Facilitates facility planning meetings and prepares space summaries for educational specifications for school construction projects. Responds to requests for facility modifications, analyzing needs in the context of program requirements and utilization factors. Works closely with project managers and architects to develop and finalize facilities plans, ensuring that architectural plans adhere to the educational specifications. Participates in development of the MCPS six-year Capital Improvements Program and Educational Facilities Master Plan. Provides back-up support for division website, facilities database, and school assignment locator application.Develops boundary maps for six-year Capital Improvements Program, Educational Facilities Master Plan, and other related planning processes.Coordinates above responsibilities with central school system administrators, school principals, and local government staff. Understands and applies the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS) commitment to students, knowledge of job, professionalism, interpersonal, communication, organization, and problem solving. Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.

This description may be changed at any time.