] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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General Maintenance Central Supervisor

OFFICIAL TITLE: General Maint Central Supv CODE: 8090 SQ/OQ: Optimal Qualified
WORKING TITLE: General Maintenance Central Supervisor GRADE: 21 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction, supervises the general maintenance of school grounds and installation and repair of playground equipment. Work of this class involves responsibility for laying out work details, assigning duties and directing the work of general maintenance workers in a variety of maintenance, repair, and construction activities, primarily for outdoor areas and facilities. Positions also maintain automotive and powered equipment such as mowers, tractors and trash trucks. Nature of work requires frequent visits to school sites to inspect projects at various stages of completion. Assignments are received orally or through written work orders and may include blueprints and construction plans and specifications. Some assignments involve exposure to inclement weather and to accident hazards and disagreeable elements. Physical Demands: Ability to perform required instruction and inspection activities and to work in inclement weather as required. Special Requirements: Ability to work overtime as required.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of grounds maintenance and construction as applied to school grounds, athletic fields, and playground equipment; thorough knowledge of the effective operation of automotive equipment, such as graders, bulldozers, and tractors; thorough knowledge of the tools, materials, equipment and techniques used in constructing and repairing asphalt and concrete surfaces. Ability to supervise and coordinate the work of maintenance supervisors, equipment operators, and maintenance workers engaged in grounds maintenance activities; ability to work from sketches and diagrams. Skill in the operation of bulldozers, graders, and tractors. Knowledge of and the ability to meet the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:High School or GED diploma required. Associates degree preferred. Five years experience in the maintenance of grounds and operation of heavy construction equipment including experience in a supervisory capacity. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:Possession of a valid Maryland state commercial Class B driver^s license or equivalent.


Example Duties:1. Plans, assigns, and inspects the work of subordinates, equipment operators, and general maintenance workers engaged in various maintenance and construction activities such as: tree trimming and removal; clearing and leveling of grounds; construction and repair of sidewalks, driveways and other paved surfaces; sodding, seeding, and fertilizing grounds; maintaining lawns and shrubs, removing snow and installing playground and athletic field equipment, fixtures and fences. 2. Instructs employees in the proper methods of maintaining and repairing buildings and in the operation, maintenance and repair of graders, tractors, and mowers. 3. Makes periodic inspection of school sites to evaluate requests for major repair and renovation work; coordinates work of the various maintenance areas with that of other sections; maintains records of time and material and prepares reports and stock requisitions. 4. Supervises maintenance of mowers, tractors and trash trucks and mechanics and welders engaged in repair work. 5. Performs related work as required.

This description may be changed at any time.