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1. Creates and delivers training sessions and resources that reflect the division's commitment to fostering and sustaining a culture of respect and building capacity through supports and structures offered by DMO.2. Supervises training staff within the division.3. Works collaboratively with school administrators, DMO managers, and the DMO training and development team to build the capacity of staff members in a safe environment while meeting the needs of the school/system without usurping the authority of administrators, managers, or immediate supervisors. 4. Works directly with and supports DMO staff members by building strong relationships and providing coaching support with different needs and skills, heightening awareness of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS), the core competencies, and encouraging communication with supervisors to understand specific expectations.5. Delivers professional learning community (PLC)-like opportunities for job-alike managers (Operations/Maintenance) to network, to share best practices, and to collaborate with DMO managers and the DMO training team as they reinforce their efforts with other stakeholders within the division.6. Provides division employees with guidance, support and information about career pathways, professional growth opportunities and requirements for career ladder advancement.7. Works collaboratively with the DMO training and development team to address the needs and issues raised by school administrators and DMO managers. Provides DMO-specific training and skill building exercises to new and veteran service center and school-based staff at their location and other DMO training sites.8. Reinforces and applies best practices centered on relationship building using: team building activities for managers and team members to get to know one another and build their capacity as a team; methods of sharing pertinent information that managers/supervisors need to know in order to be successful in their managerial/supervisory roles; coaching strategies that have a competency-based focus; and case studies of real-life situations that are explored together to resolve situations for the best results.9. Offers team building support to new and veteran managers/supervisors, building service teams, and service center shop teams based on feedback and requests from DMO managers and school administrators. 10. Periodically providing ''Tools and Tips'' content that offer quality, division-specific resources to help DMO team members at all levels enhance their professional development. 11. Delivers professional development opportunities through DMO-specific training sessions focused on topics including but not limited to: Giving and Receiving Feedback; Positive Communication in the Workplace; Interpersonal Skills for DMO Managers; Coaching in Complex Situations; Problem Solving Skills for Supervisors; Communication and Collaboration; Techniques for Preventative Maintenance Teams; and Professionalism in the Workplace.12. Creation and implementation of other training and development activities as deemed necessary by the division director.13. Develops and maintains training manuals, materials and standard operating procedures for the division in accordance with safety standards, best practices and OSHA compliance.14. Coordinates all technical and trades training.15. Serves as the liaison for the Department of Systemwide Safety.16. Performs related duties consistent with the scope and intent of the position.
This description may be changed at any time.