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1. Continuously monitors alarm systems installed in schools, Maxxess alarm systems and CCTV to ensure the safety of property under the control of MCPS. 2. Reviews, analyzes and assesses a high volume of incoming alarm signals and quickly identifies multiple types of alarms that may indicate the premises are threatened/endangered by vandals, burglars, fire, mechanical failure of equipment, loss of power affecting food storage, heating plant failure, etc.3. Dispatches and/or communicates with the appropriate authorities to investigate and/or respond to active alarms.4. Answers incoming calls to the Safe Schools Hotline and main phone line and responds appropriately to non-emergency and emergency issues.5. Provides support to MCPS patrol workers to ensure their safety.6. Prepares detailed reports to provide current information on security problem areas. Reports include, but are not limited to, a daily log summarizing all activities of security personnel, responses to security incidents, breeches of security by school personnel, specific alarms received by the security center, disposition of alarms, contact with individuals or other organizations that occur during each working shift, -both in and out of the school system, movement of mobile patrol units generally, and other information as required. 7. Prepares a daily log that records the alarm status of each specific building being monitored. Additional separate reports of alarm system malfunctions are prepared and reports of boiler alarms received and the activities associated with these alarms are noted on a special report. 8. Depending on the nature and extent of an identified security incident, coordinates the response of school patrols, police in a number of jurisdictions, fire department units, school maintenance personnel and others. 9. Operates two-way radios. 10. Receives and transmits pertinent information to patrols in the field. When necessary, receives from and transmits to maintenance vehicles, fuel trucks and transportation units during special emergencies (snow, emergency fuel deliveries, etc.). 11. Receives and transmits messages associated with security matters via phone.12. Serves as backup to bus dispatchers when not available or during office closures; direct bus services and other transportation related activities in effect during specified hours.13. Updates alarm points and troubleshoots alarm system issues.
This description may be changed at any time.