] Office of Human Resources - Montgomery County Public Schools


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Transportation Admininstrative Services Manager

OFFICIAL TITLE: Trnsp Staffing Mgr CODE: 9450 SQ/OQ: Optimal Qualified
WORKING TITLE: Transportation Admininstrative Services Manager GRADE: 26 MONTHS: 12
SUMMARY DESCRIPTION; PHYSICAL DEMANDS; AND SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Summary Description: Under direction, performs responsible specialized work in the administration of staffing and related personnel programs such as promotions, transfers, demotions, employee counseling, adverse actions, and terminations. Work of the class involves recruiting, selecting and recommending, placing and related actions concerned with staffing MCPS Transportation positions. Employees in this class are responsible for assigned areas of work and for determining appropriate methods and approaches to utilize, develop and carry out required staffing plans and assignments independently. Supervises the members of the transportation hiring unit. Physical Demands: None Special Requirements: Frequent unpaid overtime and limited use of leave in summer/peak months of employment.
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS ABILITIES: Thorough knowledge of the principles, practices, and techniques of public personnel administration including recruitment, interviewing, placement, and counseling. Knowledge of a variety of occupations and associated terminology. Knowledge of the Federal and State Public School Laws and the Montgomery County Board of Education policies and procedures affecting support service employees involved in the transportation of pupils. Knowledge of laws concerning ADA, discrimination and harassment issues; recruitment, training, workers compensation and loss prevention; drug and alcohol testing. Ability to handle complex and diverse tasks routinely, and meet short deadlines. Excellent planning and organizational ability. Considerable ability to analyze objectively and to make recommendations on a variety of personnel actions. Excellent oral and written communications and human relations skills. Knowledge of and the ability to meet the seven core competencies of the Supporting Services Professional Growth System (SSPGS).
EDUCATION, TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE; CERTIFICATE AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: Education Training Experience:Bachelors degree required. Considerable experience in a responsible supervisory/administrative position in an organization with a large unionized work force. School bus transportation experience desirable. Other combinations of applicable education, training, and experience which provide the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to perform effectively in the position may be considered.Certificate License:None


Example Duties:1. Reviews employment applications and interviews applicants to determine qualifications.2. Evaluates applicants^ qualifications in accordance with established procedures and applicable laws and refers those best qualified for interviews.3. Monitors number of qualified applicants in area(s) of functional responsibility and recommends recruitment action.4. Insures that vacant positions in area(s) of responsibility are staffed on a timely basis with qualified applicants.5. Maintains regular contact with administrators or supervisors in area(s) of responsibility to accomplish necessary staffing and related personnel services.6. Prepares recommendations for resolution of personnel issues.7. Attends and testifies at state unemployment hearings.8. Counsels employees on matters such as promotion, career interests, MCPS regulations, policies, and special problems.9. Provides interpretation of MCPS regulations, policies, procedures, and applicable law to administrators, applicants, grievants, and others.10. Processes a broad range of personnel transactions relating to promotions, demotions, reassignments, voluntary/involuntary transfers, position modifications, and related actions.11. Prepares written recommendations, reports, and analyses on a variety of personnel matters such as employment discrimination complaints, balanced staffing, policies and procedures, applicant/staffing status, recruitment approaches and results.12. Participates, as required, in recruitment activity such as career day programs.13. Conducts new employee orientation program.14. Performs detailed analysis of staffing allocations for administrators and advises on allocation usage and staffing.15. Oversees physical and drug testing of all transportation new hires.16. Oversees physical and drug testing when required of transportation employees returning from leave.17. Supervises the members of the transportation hiring unit.18. Collaborates on the scheduling of new employee training classes with the Training Unit to ensure an adequate supply of drivers and attendants to meet ever changing needs.19. Performs related work as required.

This description may be changed at any time.