Dear Families and Caregivers,
As our entire region adjusts to a return to school, MCPS wishes to remind families of the usual impact on traffic and the expectation of typical, but very few, bus route delays on some of our runs. This may be particularly true in areas affected by the Purple Line rail system construction. Due to the size and interconnectedness of our transportation system, we anticipate that the impact may be felt beyond just the immediate schools near the construction. Although delays are the exception, we know that traffic in our area can sometimes be challenging.
Need Help?
To address any concerns or issues with bus delays, we want to introduce the MCPS Transportation Hotline. This service will begin Monday, August 26, starting at 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, and will be available during the first week of school. MCPS transportation staff will be able to support families if questions, concerns or problems with a bus or bus stop need to be addressed. To access this service, call 240-740-7790.
If you wish to connect directly to your depot, follow the guide (including phone numbers) below.
Bus routes are numbered to correspond with the depot that serves your area. You may also call your depot directly.
Once connected to your specific bus depot, a real MCPS staff member will be available to speak with you and start the process of supporting your family.
We look forward to working with all our families for a great school year.
Montgomery County Public Schools
Safety Tips and School Bus Laws for Families and Motorists
Please share this information with your families as we begin the 2024-2025 school year and continue to educate the public about the importance of school bus safety.
Zeal’s Bus Safety Tips
Zeal, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation's (MCDOT) Traffic Safety Zebra, is here with some school bus safety tips! This video was created with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). All aboard!
Safe Route To Schools (MCDOT)
Learn more about Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Safe Routes to School program that focuses on improving safety for students who walk or bike to school.
Respect the Bus
Learn about the bus cameras with MCPS to help keep kids safe!
Stop On Red — Knowing When to Stop for School Buses - Zero Deaths Maryland & Vision Zero
While riding a school bus is the safest mode of transportation for school children, let’s get the facts straight on when it is – and isn’t – OK to pass a school bus, when you should begin to slow down, and how far away from the bus you need to stop.
Maryland School Bus Laws and Safety Tips
School buses are the safest way for children to get to school. Still, children are especially vulnerable as they get on and off the bus. In Maryland, bus safety laws are in place to help drivers safely navigate the roads where children might be crossing.
Stop for School Buses: What are the Laws in Maryland?
Maryland State Police and the Maryland Center for School Safety remind motorists to stop for school buses.
Pay attention when driving, especially in school zones and during times of day when school buses are typically on routes.
Stop when a bus stops. It is illegal to pass a school bus with its red lights flashing.
Prepare to stop when the school bus is flashing its yellow lights and be cautious of students beginning to move toward the bus during these times.
Students of all ages are unpredictable. Therefore, prepare for the unexpected and always maintain a safe distance from school buses.
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