Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Formative Evaluation of the Two-Way Immersion Program in Montgomery County Public Schools


During 2018-2019, MCPS offered a Two-Way Immersion program in Spanish and English at five MCPS elementary schools.  This evaluation describes implementation of the TWI program and provides feedback on staff experiences with implementation.  TWI schools varied in school characteristics, staffing and approaches to scheduling. Classroom observations found almost all designated look-fors.  Generally, staff report positive experiences implementing TWI although they consistently reported several areas of need and challenges.


  • Assure that there is an authentic Spanish curriculum and related scope and sequence that comes from a bilingual, not a monolingual, lens.
  • Assure that there are multiple measurements for assessing student progress in Spanish keeping in mind the limitations in assessment time as mandated by the Maryland General Assembly.
  • Provide additional PD and resources on Spanish literacy and reading for the applicable grade levels. 

File Name: Formative_Evaluation_of_the_TWI_in_MCPS.pdf (1.9MB PDF)