Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Implementation of the Collaborative Action Process (CAP) 2006-2007: Professional Development


This report examined the implementation of the professional development component of the Collaborative Action Process (CAP), a problem-solving framework for teams of teachers to resolve student difficulties (academic or behavioral) within general education. CAP facilitators, the key CAP coordinator within each school, were expected to share information from districtwide meetings at their schools; the majority did so for only three of seven topics presented. Because no other CAP guidelines for training were available, descriptions of staff members


  • Partner with the Office of Organizational Development to identify existing trainings (e.g., data-driven analysis) that support collaborative problem solving and to incorporate adult learning models for increased engagement and retention.
  • Provide leadership training to coaches and facilitators to include meeting facilitation, conflict resolution, vision building, and team leading.
  • Focus training on application-based learning. Use actual cases and data.

    File Name: CAP Brief PD 06-02-08 ECM.pdf (66 KB PDF)