Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Implementation of Middle School Reform: 2007-2008 Midyear Snapshot


MCPS has begun a comprehensive reform of its 38 middle schools. In 2007-2008, some of the recommended actions of Middle School Reform were implemented only in five MCPS middle schools. This brief focuses on the key evaluation question for several key actions in those five schools: To what extent were the recommended actions of Middle School Reform implemented and with what fidelity to the original intent?


  • Expand leadership training to include team leaders and non-Accelerated and Enriched Instruction (AEI) content specialists. Encourage principals to clearly identify and limit the roles and responsibilities for team leaders, content specialists, the AEI mathematics content specialist, and the AEI literacy coach, based on the job descriptions.
  • Offer training to teachers in social studies, science, and other content areas on how to use reading and mathematics data in Performance Matters to benefit their instructional planning.
  • Continue professional development on rigorous instruction. Provide more guidance and training on rigorous instructional strategies to support school-based staff and increase the level of rigor across all classrooms.

    File Name: MS Reform BRIEF Spring 2008 July 15_RAH.pdf (124KB PDF)