Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Evaluation of the Implementation of Middle School Reform: Final Report 2007-2008


The Office of Shared Accountability (OSA) conducted an evaluation of Middle School Reform in 2007-2008, with a focus on the extent and fidelity of implementation of the recommended actions described in the Report on Middle School Reform (Weast, 2007). The Montgomery County Public Schools Middle School Reform Report focuses on six goals. The evaluation found that the five schools involved in the reform were implementing most of the recommended actions to a considerable extent. Implementation varied by goal area and by recommended actions.


  • Explore ways for the AEI literacy coach to increase effectiveness in helping more school staff members build their capacity in literacy strategies and provide support for all students.
  • Revise the new Grade 6 elective course, Arts Investigations, to increase rigorous and relevant instruction.
  • Emphasize the use of critical-thinking skills (outlined in the rigor look-fors) during professional development on rigorous instruction in the classroom.
  • Explore ways to engage students more fully during whole-group lessons; student engagement is stronger during small-group work and individual activities.
  • Emphasize the need for teachers to provide more of the strategies that are beneficial for adolescent learners, such as opportunities for students to work or discuss in small groups.
  • Complete implementation of the processes proposed to support recruitment, hiring, and retention of middle school staff.
  • Include parents in Study Circle programs.

    File Name: 2007-2008 MS Reform End of year Report Nov. 21.pdf (336 KB PDF)