Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Impact of the Math Content Coach on Student Achievement in Title I Schools


This brief presents findings related to the impact of MCCs on students' achievement and the provision of a rigorous mathematics program in Title I schools. The purpose of this evaluation was to examine the effects of MCCs on students' achievement and the provision of a rigorous mathematics program in Title I schools.


  • Focus instruction on the attainment of course-level content.
  • Plan with a strong emphasis on vertical articulation and whole school focus-sequential continuity of skill building from one mathematics course to the next.
  • Continue to systematically ensure that opportunities for rigor and acceleration are instituted in all grades, particularly in Grades K-2 to eliminate risks of gaps increasing in successive Grades.
  • Develop action plans for decreasing within school achievement gaps.

    File Name: brief_Impact of MCCs in Title I Schools.pdf (1.8MB PDF)