Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Implementation Evaluation of the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program in Elementary Schools


This evaluation centered on examining instructional practices, understanding implementation practices, identifying challenges to implementation at the elementary level, and highlighting areas for improvement.


  • Provide innovative strategies for ESOL teachers to work with the staff development and classroom teachers to identify ways they can support classroom teachers in their building to work with ESOL students when time is limited.
  • Provide additional professional development opportunities on differentiation for ESOL and classroom teachers.
  • Reevaluate and clarify the focus on academic vocabulary in the ESOL curriculum and ensure that academic vocabulary development occurs throughout the ESOL curriculum.
  • Provide schools with guidance on best practices for scheduling ESOL instruction when using the pull-out model.

    File Name: 10.08.26 ES ESOL Implementation Report.pdf (600KB PDF)