Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Postsecondary Enrollment and Completion of MCPS African American and Latino Graduates


There is growing interest in the postsecondary success of African American and Hispanic students, nationally. While there are racial/ethnic and gender gaps in the percentage students who graduate from high school and attend college, there are also students from those two sub-groups who successfully navigate the system. This study seeks to highlight levels of college achievement of African American and Hispanic graduates from MCPS.


Based on the findings from this study and an examination of the literature, seven directions for future study are recommended. Three of those recommendations include:

  • Explore additional data points to gain a better understanding of the successes of African American and Latino students who enroll in college. Data points such as college transcripts and perceptual data from the students can provide more insight into college and career paths.
  • Determine the role MCPS programs such as Achieving Collegiate Excellence and Success (ACES) and Guiding the Pathways of Success (GPS) to College can assist in increasing African American and Latino students' enrollment and persistence in college.
  • Examine the course taking patterns (e.g., Honors and AP course enrollment) of African American and Hispanic students who enroll in college and attain their degree.

    File Name: Postsecondary Enrollment of AA and Hispanics.pdf (1.1MB PDF)