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The Office of Shared Accountability conducted an evaluation of the High School Plus (HS+) program implemented in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). HS+ is one of the intervention programs offered by MCPS to provide additional ways of earning high school credits for students who have failed courses required for graduation. The overall goal of the evaluation was to examine the nature and extent of benefits to high school students served by the extended-day HS+ program. A multimethod design was used to conduct both formative and outcome evaluations of HS+ during the 2012–2013 school year. The formative component was designed to collect data on HS+ implementation and to encourage reflection by the various program stakeholders via interviewing HS+ coordinators as well as surveying principals, HS+ teachers, and HS+ students. The outcome evaluation examined student records (e.g., course performance, passing High School Assessments (HSA), class attendance, and dropout and graduation rates).
File Name: HS_PLUS Report_Final.pdf (1.5MB PDF)