Office of Shared Accountability Reports

Student Performance on the 2015 Assessment Program in Primary Reading (Kindergarten to Grade 2)


In school year 2015, the percentage of primary students who met or exceeded grade-level reading benchmarks on the Montgomery County Public Schools' (MCPS) Assessment Program in Primary Reading (AP-PR) showed steadiness compared to the downward trend in prior years, with a smaller one-year decrease for Kindergarten and Grade 1 and a small increase for Grade 2. Kindergarten students also achieved reading proficiency at Text Level 6 with similar rates between 2014 and 2015, leveling off from the loss in previous years. This memorandum presents results of 2015 AP-PR with comparison results from school years 2012 through 2014.

File Name: 2015 AP PR K_12_ for Principals_revised_Nov_30.pdf (276KB PDF)