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This report examined: a) levels of engagement and social emotional learning outcomes of students and b) parent engagement in schools with LTL compared with those of peers in sample schools without LTL for the 2013-2014 school year. The findings showed that students in elementary schools with LTL had: higher levels of participation in public preschool for students; higher percentages of kindergarten students fully ready for school; and better attendance. Middle school students who attended schools with LTL earned more Student Service Learning (SSL) hours than middle school students in schools without LTL during the 2013-2014 school year. The responses to the MCPS Parent Engagement Survey revealed some areas where the proportion of parents in schools with LTL agreeing to statements on the survey were either significantly higher or lower than for parents in schools without LTL.
File Name: final Q4 Report 1 LTL Evaluation_15.06.03.de.nsmfeb5docx.pdf (670KB PDF)