FormsParents & StudentsEnrollment/Records → Determination of Residency and Tuition Status

Determination of Residency and Tuition Status

About this Form

Form number: 335-73

Audience:  Parents/Guardians

Last revised: May 2020

Related Forms

Form 335-73a - Request to Enroll Nonresident, Tuition-Paying Student

Instructions: The person responsible for the student (parent/guardian/court-appointed guardian or other adult/eligible student/out-of-state social services agency) completes Parts I and II, and submits with required documentation to the International Admissions and Enrollment (IAE). Documentation of bona fide residency in Montgomery County includes one of the following unless homeless: if homeowner, current property tax bill; OR if renter, provide copy of current rental lease (if the original term of the lease is expired, a copy of lease and a current utility bill); OR if living in shared housing with a homeowner or renter who has bona fide residence within an Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) school area, notarized MCPS Form 335-74, Shared Housing Disclosure, must be completed.

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